I'm OK. You're OK. By, Thomas A. Harris M.D.
1. Freud, Penfield, and Berne
Page 8.
I contradict myself. I am large. I
contain multitudes.
- Walt Whitman
Throughout history one impression of
human nature has been consistent: that man has a
multiple nature. Most often it has been expressed as a
dual nature. It has been expressed mythologically,
philosophically, and religiously. Always it has been
seen as a conflict: the conflict between good and evil,
the lower nature and the higher nature, the inner man
and the outer man. 'There are times,' said Somerset
Maugham, 'when I look over the various parts of my
character with perplexity. I recognize that I am made up
of several persons and that the person that at the
moment has the upper hand will inevitably give place to
another. But which is the real one? All of them or
That man can aspire to and achieve
goodness is evident through all of history, however that
goodness may be understood. Moses saw goodness supremely
as justice, Plato essentially as wisdom, and Jesus
centrally as love; yet they all agreed that virtue,
however understood, was consistently undermined by
something in human nature which was at war with
something else. But what were these something's?
When Sigmund Freud appeared on the scene
in the early twentieth century, the enigma was subjected
to a new probe, the discipline of scientific inquiry.
Freud's fundamental contribution was his theory that the
warring factions existed in the unconscious. Tentative
names were given to the combatants: the Superego became
thought of as the restrictive, controlling force over
the Id (instinctual drives), with the Ego as a referee
operating out of 'enlightened self-interest'.
We are deeply indebted to Freud for his
painstaking and pioneering efforts to establish the
theoretical foundation upon which we build today.
Through the years scholars and clinicians have
elaborated, systematized, and added to his theories. Yet
the 'persons within' have remained elusive, and it seems
that the hundreds of volumes which collect dust and the
annotations of psychoanalytic thinkers have not provided
adequate answers to the persons they are written about.
Page 9.
I stood in the lobby of a theatre at the
end of the showing of the motion picture Who's Afraid of
Virginia Woolf? and listened to a number of comments by
people who had just seen the picture: 'I'm exhausted!'
'And I come to movies to get away from home.' 'Why do
they want to show something like that?' 'I didn't get
it; I guess you have to be a psychologist.' I got the
impression that many of these people left the theatre
wondering what was really going on, sure there must have
been a message, but unable to find anything relevant to
them or liberating in terms of how to end 'fun and
games' in their own lives.
We are dutifully impressed by
formulations such as Freud's definition of
psychoanalysis as a 'dynamic conception which reduces
mental life to an interplay of reciprocally urging and
checking forces'. Such a definition and its countless
elaborations may be useful to 'the professionals', but
how useful are these formulations to people who hurt?
George and Martha in Edward Albee's play used red-hot,
gutsy, four-letter words that were precise and to the
point. The question is, As therapists can we speak with
George and Martha as precisely and pointedly about why
they act as they do and hurt as they do? Can what we say
be not only true but also helpful, because we are
understood? 'Speak English! I can't understand a word
you're saying' is not an uncommonly held attitude
towards persons who claim to be experts in the
psychological fields. Restating esoteric psychoanalytic
ideas in even more esoteric terms does not reach people
where they live. As a consequence the reflections of
ordinary folk are often expressed in pitiful
redundancies and in superficial conversations with such
summary comments as, 'Well, isn't that always the way?'
with no understanding of how it can be different.
In a sense, one of the estranging
factors of the present day is the lag between
specialization and communication, which continues to
widen the gulf between specialists and non-specialists.
Space belongs to the astronauts, understanding human
behaviour belongs to the psychologists and
psychiatrists, legislation belongs to the congressmen,
and whether or not we should have a baby belongs to the
theologians. This is an understandable development; yet
the problems of non-understanding and none communication
are so great that means must be devised whereby language
can keep up with the developments of research.
In the field of mathematics an answer to
this dilemma was attempted in the development of the
'new mathematics', now being taught in elementary
schools throughout the country. The new mathematics is
not so much a new form of computation as of
communication of mathematical ideas, answering questions
not only of what, but also of why, so that the
excitement of going to the moon or using a computer will
not remain exclusively in the realm of scientists but
can also exist in comprehensible form for the student.
The science of mathematics is not new, but the way it is
talked about is new. We would find ourselves handicapped
if we were still to use the Babylonian, Mayan, Egyptian,
or Roman number systems. The desire to use mathematics
creatively brought about new ways of systematizing
numbering concepts. The new mathematics of today has
continued this creative growth. We recognize and
appreciate the creative thinking which the earlier
systems represented, but we do not encumber today's work
with those now less-effective methods.
Page 10.
This is my position with regard to
Transactional Analysis. I respect the devoted effort of
the psychoanalytic theorists of the past. What I hope to
demonstrate in this book is a new way to state old ideas
and a clear way to present new ones, not as an inimical
or deprecating assault on the work of the past, but
rather as a means of meeting the undeniable evidence
that the old methods do not seem to be working very
Once, an old farmer, tinkering with a
rusty harrow on a country road, was approached by an
earnest young man from the University Extension Service
who was making farm-to farm calls for the purpose of
selling a new manual on soil conservation and new
farming techniques. After a polite and polished speech
the young man asked the farmer if he would like to buy
this new book, to which the old man replied, 'Son, I
don't farm half as good as I know how already.'
The purpose of this book is not only the
presentation of new data but also an answer to the
question of why people do not live as good as they know
how already. They may know that the experts have had a
lot to say about human behaviour, but this knowledge
does not seem to have the slightest effect on their
hangover, their splintering marriage, or their cranky
children. They may turn to agony columns for help or
find themselves delightfully portrayed in 'Peanuts', but
is there anything both profound and simple related to
the dynamics of behaviour which will help them find new
answers to old problems? Is there any information
available which is both true and helpful?
Our search for answers has until recent
years been limited by the fact that we have known
relatively little about how the human brain stores
memory and how this memory is evoked to produce the
tyranny - as well as the treasure - of the past in
current living.
Any hypothesis must depend for its
verification on observable evidence. Until recently
there has been little evidence about how the brain
functions in cognition, precisely how and which of the
12 billion cells within the brain store memory. How much
memory is retained? Can it disappear? Is memory
generalized or specific? Why are some memories more
available for recall than others?
One noted explorer in this field is Dr
Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon from McGill University
in Montreal, who in 1951 began to produce exciting
evidence to confirm and modify theoretical concepts
which had been formulated in answer to these questions.
{1} During the course of brain surgery, in treating
patients suffering from focal epilepsy, Penfield
conducted a series of experiments during which he
touched the temporal cortex of the brain of the patient
with a weak electric current transmitted through a
galvanic probe. His observations of the responses to
these stimulations were accumulated over a period of
several years. In each case the patient under local
anesthesia was fully conscious during the exploration of
the cerebral cortex and was able to talk with Penfield.
In the course of these experiments he heard some amazing
Page 11.
(Inasmuch as this book is meant to be a
practical guide to Transactional Analysis and not a
technical scientific treatise, I wish to clarify that
the following material from Penfield's research - the
only material in this book which might be seen as
technical - is included in the first chapter because I
believe it is essential to the establishment of the
scientific basis of all that follows. The evidence seems
to indicate that everything which has been in our
conscious awareness is recorded in detail and stored in
the brain and is capable of being 'played back' in the
present. The following material may warrant more than a
single reading for a full appreciation of the
implications of Penfield's findings.)
Penfield found that the stimulating
electrode could force recollections clearly derived from
the patient's memory. Penfield reported, 'The psychical
experience, thus produced, stops when the electrode is
withdrawn and may repeat itself when the electrode is
reapplied.' He gave the following examples:
First is the case of S.B. Stimulation at
Point 19 in the first convolution of the right temporal
lobe caused him to say: There was a piano there and
someone was playing. I could hear the song, you know.'
When the point was stimulated again without warning, he
said: 'Someone speaking to another,' and he mentioned a
name, but I could not understand it... it was just like
a dream. The point was stimulated a third time, also
without warning. He then observed spontaneously, 'Yes,
Oh Marie, Oh Marie! - Someone is singing it.' When the
point was stimulated a fourth time, he heard the same
song and explained that it was the theme song of a
certain radio programmer.
When Point 16 was stimulated, he said,
while the electrode was being held in place, 'Something
brings back a memory. I can see Seven-Up Bottling
Company ... Harrison Bakery.' He was then warned that he
was being stimulated, but the electrode was not applied.
He replied, "Nothing.'
When, in another case, that of D.F., a
point on the superior surface of the right temporal lobe
was stimulated within the fissure of Sylvius, the
patient heard a specific popular song being played as
though by an orchestra. Repeated stimulations reproduced
the same music. While the electrode was kept in place,
she hummed the tune, chorus and verse, thus accompanying
the music she heard.
The patient, L.G., was caused to
experience 'something', he said, that had happened to
him before. Stimulation at another temporal point caused
him to see a man and a dog walking along a road near his
home in the country. Another woman heard a voice which
she did not quite understand when the first temporal
convolution was stimulated initially. When the electrode
was reapplied to approximately the same point, she heard
a voice distinctly calling, 'Jimmie, Jimmie' - Jimmie
was the nickname of the young husband to whom she had
been married recently.
One of Penfield's significant
conclusions was that the electrode evoked a single
recollection, not a mixture of memories or a
Another of his conclusions was that the
response to the electrode was involuntary:
Page 12.
Under the compelling influence of the
probe a familiar experience appeared in the patient's
consciousness whether he desired to focus his attention
upon it or not. A song went through his mind, probably
as he had heard it on a certain occasion: he found
himself a part of a specific situation that progressed
and evolved just as the original situation did. It was,
to him, the act of a familiar play, and he was himself
both an actor and the audience.
Perhaps the most significant
discovery was that not only past events are recorded in
detail but also the feelings that were associated with
those events. An event and the feeling which was
produced by the event are inextricably locked together
in the brain so that one cannot be evoked without the
other. Penfield reported:
The subject feels again the emotion
which the situation originally produced in him, and he
is aware of the same interpretations, true or false,
which he himself gave to the experience in the first
place. Thus, evoked recollection is not the exact
photographic or phonographic reproduction of past scenes
or events. It is reproduction of what the patient saw
and heard and felt and understood.
Recollections are evoked by the stimuli
of day-to-day experience in much the same way that they
were evoked artificially by Penfield's probe. In either
case the evoked recollection can be more accurately
described as a reliving than a recalling. In response to
a stimulus a person is momentarily displaced into the
past. I am there! This reality may last only a fraction
of a second, or it may last many days. Following the
experience a person may then consciously remember he was
there. The sequence in involuntary recollections is: (1)
reliving (spontaneous, involuntary feeling), and (2)
remembering (conscious, voluntary thinking about the
past events thus relived). Much of what we relive we
cannot remember!
The following reports of two patients
illustrate the way in which stimulations in the present
evoke past feelings.
A forty-year-old female patient reported
she was walking down the street one morning and, as she
passed a music store, she heard a strain of music that
produced an overwhelming melancholy. She felt herself in
the grip of a sadness she could not understand, the
intensity of which was 'almost unbearable'. Nothing in
her conscious thought could explain this. After she
described the feeling to me, I asked her if there was
anything in her early life that this song reminded her
of. She said she could not make any connexion between
the song and her sadness. Later in the week she phoned
to tell me that, as she continued to hum the song over
and over, she suddenly had a flash of recollection in
which she 'saw her mother sitting at the piano and heard
her playing this song'. The mother had died when the
patient was five years old. At that time the mother's
death had produced a severe depression, which had
persisted over an extended period of time, despite all
the efforts of the family to help her transfer her
affection to an aunt who had assumed the mother role.
She had never recalled hearing this song or remembering
her mother's playing it until the day she walked by the
music store. I asked her if the recall of this early
memory had relieved her of the depression. She said it
had changed the nature of her feelings; there was still
a melancholy feeling in recalling the death of her
mother, but it was not the initial overwhelming despair
she felt at first. It would seem she was now consciously
remembering a feeling which initially was the reliving
of a feeling. In the second instance, she remembered how
it was to feel that way; but in the first instance, the
feeling was precisely the same feeling which was
recorded when her mother died. She was at that moment
five years old.
Page 13.
Good feelings are evoked in much the
same way. We are all aware of how an odour, a sound, or
a fleeting glimpse can produce an ineffable joy,
sometimes so momentary it almost goes unnoticed. Unless
we put our minds to it, we cannot remember where we had
experienced the smell, sound, or sight before. But the
feeling is real.
Another patient reported this incident.
He was walking along L Street by Sacramento's Capitol
Park and, upon smelling the odour of lime and sulphur,
generally thought to be putrid, being used as a spray
for the trees, he was aware of a glorious carefree
feeling of joy. Uncovering the original situation was
easier for him since the feeling was a good one. This
was the kind of spray that had been used in the early
spring in his father's apple orchard and, for the
patient as a little boy, this smell was synchronous with
the coming of spring, the 'greening' of the trees, and
all the joys experienced by a little boy emancipated to
the outdoors after the long winter. As in the case of
the first patient, the conscious remembering of the
feeling was slightly different from the burst of the
original feeling that he experienced. He could not quite
recapture the glorious, spontaneous transference into
the past as he did for that fleeting moment. It was as
if he now had a feeling about his feeling rather than
the feeling itself.
This illustrates another of Penfield's
conclusions: the memory record continues intact even
after the subject's ability to recall it disappears:
Recollection evoked from the temporal
cortex retains the detailed character of the original
experience. When it is thus introduced into the
patient's consciousness, the experience seems to be in
the present, possibly because it forces itself so
irresistibly upon his attention. Only when it is over
can he recognize it as a vivid memory of the past.
Another conclusion we may make from
these findings is that the brain functions as a
high-fidelity recorder, putting on tape, as it were,
every experience from the time of birth, possibly even
before birth. (The process of information storage in the
brain is undoubtedly a chemical process, involving data
reduction and coding, which is not fully understood.
Perhaps over simple, the tape recorder analogy
nevertheless has proved useful in explaining the memory
process. The important point is that, however the
recording is done, the playback is high fidelity.)
Whenever a normal person is paying
conscious attention to something [says Penfield], he
simultaneously is recording it in the temporal cortex of
each hemisphere.
These recordings are in sequence and
Page 14.
When the electrode is applied to the
memory cortex it may produce a picture, but the picture
is not usually static. It changes, as it did when it was
originally seen and the subject perhaps altered the
direction of his gaze. It follows the originally
observed events of succeeding seconds or minutes. The
song produced by cortical stimulation progresses slowly,
from one phrase to another and from verse to chorus.
Penfield further concludes that the
thread of continuity in evoked recollections seems to be
time. The original pattern was laid down in temporal
The thread of temporal succession seems
to link the elements of evoked recollection together. It
also appears that only those sensory elements to which
the individual was paying attention are recorded, not
all the sensory impulses which are forever bombarding
the central nervous system.
The evoking of complicated memory
sequences makes it seem plausible that each of the
memories we can recall has a separate neuron pathway.
Particularly significant to our
understanding of how the past influences the present is
the observation that the temporal cortex is obviously
utilized in the interpretation of current experience.
Illusions ... may be produced by
stimulation of the temporal cortex ... and the
disturbance produced is one of judgment in regard to
present experience - a judgment that the experience is
familiar, or strange, or absurd; that distances and
sizes are altered, and even that the present situation
is terrifying.
These are illusions of perception, and a
consideration of them leads one to believe that a new
experience is somehow immediately classified together
with records of former similar experience so that
judgment of differences and similarities is possible.
For example, after a period of time it may be difficult
for a man to conjure up an accurate, detailed memory of
an old friend as he appeared years ago, and yet when the
friend is met, however unexpectedly, it is possible to
perceive at once the change that time has wrought. One
knows it all too well - new lines in his face, change in
hair, stoop of shoulder. [Italics mine]
Penfield concludes:
The demonstration of the existence of
cortical 'patterns' that preserve the detail of current
experience, as though in a library of many volumes, is
one of the first steps towards a physiology of the mind.
The nature of the pattern, the mechanism of its
formation, the mechanism of its subsequent utilization,
and the integrative processes that form the substratum
of consciousness - these will one day be translated into
physiological formulas.
Dr Lawrence S. Kubie of Baltimore, one
of the nation's prominent psychoanalysts who was among
the discussants of Penfield's paper, said, at the
conclusion of the presentation:
Page 15.
I am profoundly grateful for this
opportunity to discuss Doctor Penfield's paper ...
because of the enormous stimulation which the paper
itself has given to my imagination. Indeed it has kept
me in a state of ferment for the last two weeks,
watching pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fit into place and a
picture emerge to throw some light on some of the work
which I have been doing in recent years. I can sense the
shades of Harvey Cushing and Sigmund Freud shaking hands
over this long-deferred meeting between psychoanalysis
and modern neurosurgery through the experimental work
which Doctor Penfield has reported.
In summary we may conclude:
1. The brain functions as a
high-fidelity tape recorder.
2. The feelings which were associated
with past experiences also are recorded and are
inextricably locked to those experiences.
3. Persons can exist in two states at
the same time. The patient knew he was on the operating
table talking with Penfield; he equally knew he was
seeing the 'Seven-Up Bottling Company ... and Harrison
Bakery'. He was dual in that he was at the same time in
the experience and outside of it, observing it.
4. These recorded experiences and
feelings associated with them are available for replay
today in as vivid a form as when they happened and
provide much of the data which determines the nature of
today's transactions. These experiences not only can be
recalled but also relived. I not only remember how I
felt. I feel the same way now.
Penfield's experiments demonstrate that
the memory function, which is most often thought of in
psychological terms, is biological also. We are not able
to answer the age old question of how the mind is
attached to the body. It is pertinent, however, to refer
to the rapid progress being made in the field of genetic
research as to how heredity is programmed within the RNA
molecule. Sweden's Dr Holgar Hyden has reflected: The
capacity to recall the past to consciousness can
certainly be expected to reside in a primary mechanism
of general biological validity. A firm link to the
genetic mechanism is important, and in this respect
especially, the RNA molecule, with its many
possibilities, would fulfill many requirements. {2}
The observable evidence produced by
these biological studies supports and helps to explain
the observable evidence in human behavior. How do we
apply the scientific method to behavior in such a way
that our findings constitute as accurate and as useful a
body of 'known's' as Penfield's findings?
Page 16
A Basic Scientific Unit: The Transaction
One of the reasons for the criticism
that the psycho-therapeutic sciences are unscientific,
and for much of the disagreement evident in this field,
is that there has been no basic unit for study and
observation. It is the same kind of difficulty as that
which confronted physicists before the molecular theory
and physicians before the discovery of bacteria.
Eric Berne, the originator of
Transactional Analysis, has isolated and defined this
basic scientific unit:
The unit of social intercourse is called
a transaction. If two or more people encounter each
other ... sooner or later one of them will speak, or
give some other indication of acknowledging the presence
of the others. This is called the transactional
stimulus. Another person will then say or do something
which is in some way related to the stimulus. and that
is called the transactional response. {3}
Transactional Analysis is the method of
examining this one transaction wherein 'I do something
to you and you do something back' and determining which
part of the multiple-natured individual is being
activated. In the next chapter, 'Parent, Adult, and
Child', the three parts of this multiple nature are
identified and described. Transactional Analysis also is
the method of systematizing the information derived from
analyzing these transactions in words which have the
same meaning, by definition, for everyone who is using
them. This language is clearly one of the most important
developments of the system. Agreement on the meanings of
words plus agreement on what to examine are the two keys
which have unlocked the door to the 'mysteries of why
people do as they do'. This is no small accomplishment.
In February 1960 I had the opportunity
of hearing a fascinating, day-long dissertation by Dr
Timothy Leary, who had then just joined the Department
of Social Relations at Harvard University. He spoke to
the staff of DeWitt State Hospital in Auburn,
California, where I was Director of Professional
Education. Despite the controversial responses he now
evokes by his devotion to the use of drugs in the
pursuit of psychedelic experience, I wish to use some of
his comments here, inasmuch as they express the problem
dramatically and may explain what he called his own
'zigzag course of sequential disillusionment'. He stated
that one of his greatest frustrations as a
psychotherapist was the inability to discover a way to
standardize language and observation about human
behavior: {4}
I would like to share with you some of
the historical background of my immobilization as a
psychological scientist. As I look back I can see that
there were three stages of my own ignorance, The first,
which was by far the most happy, you could call the
stage of innocent ignorance when I was possessed with
the notion that there were some secrets of human nature,
there were some laws and regularities, some cause and
effect relationships, and that through study, through
experiences, through reading, some day I would share
these secrets and be able to apply my knowledge of these
regularities of human behavior to help other people.
Page 17.
In the second stage, which might be
called the period of illusion of non-ignorance, came the
disturbing discovery that, although on the one hand I
knew that I didn't know what the secret was, suddenly I
discovered that on the other hand people were looking to
me as though they thought I might know the secret or be
closer to the secret than they ... None of the research
that I did worked nor did any of my activities provide
any secret, but again I could always say, 'Well, we
didn't have enough cases', or 'we must improve the
methodology', and there were many other statements which
I am sure you are familiar with. One can postpone the
moment of painful discovery but eventually the unhappy
truth finally becomes apparent - that although many
people may be looking to you and listening to you - you
have patients and students and you're going to PTA
meetings and they are looking to you for the secret -
still eventually you begin to think maybe, maybe you
don't know what you're talking about.
After this rare and revealing admission
of doubts that few psychotherapists dare state but many
have felt, Leary continued at length in describing the
various types of research in testing and cataloguing and
systematizing which had occupied him and his staff. But
in this endeavour he was confronted with the problems of
no common language and no common unit for observation:
Which natural events are we going to get
in permanent form that we can then count? Rather than
studying natural free behavior, I have been
experimenting with the possibility of developing
standardized languages for the analysis of any natural
transaction. Of all the poetic notions and musical notes
and lyric strains that we use, words like 'progress',
'help', and 'improvement' are the most far out. We
operate with too little information about ourselves and
about the other guy. I don't have any theory about new
variables in psychology, no new words or language of
psychology. I am simply trying to develop new ways of
feeding back to human beings what they are doing and the
noises they are making. The most exciting thing in the
world to me right now is to get at the discrepancies
between people involved in the same interaction. Because
once you've got that you have a question, 'How come?'
He deplored the absence of standardized
language in human behavior, noting that stockbrokers,
automobile salesmen, and baseball players do better:
Even automobile salesmen have their
little blue books and they've really done much better in
behavioral science than we people who claim to be the
experts. In sports, every baseball player, his natural
behavior, is recorded in the form of indices, like his
Runs-Batted-In or his Earned-Run-Average. To understand
and to make predictions about baseball, if you decide
you're going to sell your first baseman to get a
right-handed pitcher, you have a raft of behavioral
indices. They don't use poetic language like, 'He runs
after a fly ball like a deer', or 'He's an obsessive
fielder'. They tend to use behaviors.
I had been pursuing a myth in trying to
find the secret. I wanted to grow up and be a clever
therapist and a clever diagnostician. All these hopes of
mine were based on the assumption that there are laws,
there are regularities, there are secrets, there are
techniques which can be applied, and that study and
research can bring these secrets to us.
Page 18.
Transactional Analysts claim to have
found some of these regularities. We claim to have found
a new language of psychology, which Leary felt such a
need of, and we claim to be a great deal closer to the
secret of human behaviour than we have ever been before.
In this chapter I have presented some of
the basic information that has proved useful to a great
many people who have been treated in my groups, using
Transactional Analysis as an intellectual tool to
understand the basis of behavior and feelings. A tool
often works better and has more meaning if we have some
idea how it was developed, how it is different. Is it
derived from authentic data or is it just another
theory? Was Berne's book Games People Play a best seller
because of a fad, or does it offer people some easily
understood and authentic ideas about themselves as they
reveal their past in the present games they play? In the
next chapter we begin the description of this tool, by
the definitions of Parent, Adult, and Child. Because
these three words have specific and comprehensive
meanings different from their usual meanings, Parent,
Adult, and Child will be capitalized throughout the
book. As you will discover in the next chapter, Parent
is not the same as mother or father, Adult means
something quite different from a grownup, and Child is
not the same as a person.