Chapter Eight ~
Pilot No. 8
In this chapter you will
find the secret of getting things done. You will also receive
a self-motivator so powerful that it will subconsciously force
you to desirable action, for it is in reality a self-starter.
Yet you can use it at will. When you do, you overcome
procrastination and inertia.
If you do the things you don't want to do, or if you don't do
the things that you do want to do, then this chapter is for
Those who achieve greatness employ this secret of getting
things done. Take for example the Rev. James Keller, a
Maryknoll father of the Jesuit order. Father Keller had been
developing an idea for quite some time. He hoped to motivate
"little people to do big things by encouraging each to reach
beyond his or her own little circle to the outside world." The
Biblical command, "go ye forth into all the world" was to him
the symbol of an idea whereby the mission he had in mind could
be fulfilled.
When he responded to this command, he employed the secret of
getting things done. And when he did, he went into action.
This happened in 1945. It was then that he organized the
Christophers an organization most unusual.
It has no chapters, no committees, no meetings, no dues. It
doesn't even have a membership in the usual sense of the word
It simply consists of people no one can say how many dedicated
to an ideal. The Christophers operate on the concept that it
is better for people to "do something and pay nothing" than to
"pay dues and do nothing."
What is the ideal to which each is dedicated?
Each Christopher is dedicated to carry his religion with him
wherever he goes throughout the day into the dust and heat of
the market place, into the highways and byways, into the home.
And thus he brings the major truths of his faith to others.
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The thrilling story is told by the Rev. James Keller in You
Can Change the World. It came about because he conceived and
believed in an ideal. But he did little or nothing about it
until he responded to the secret of getting things done. *
You get the feel of this secret from the statement of E. E.
Bauermeister, supervisor of education at California
Institution for Men, Chino, California, who told the authors:
"I always tell the men in our self-adjustment class that too
often what we read and profess becomes a part of our libraries
and our vocabularies, instead of becoming a part of our
Remember the Biblical statement: For the good that I would, I
do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now how can
you train yourself to get into action immediately when it is
And then we told Mr. Bauermeister how the good things we read
and profess can become a part of our lives. We gave him the
self-starter for getting things done.
How do you make the secret of getting things done a part of
your life? By habit. And you develop habit through repetition.
"Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap
a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny," said the
great psychologist and philosopher William James. He was
saying that you are what your habits make you. And you can
choose your habits. You can develop any habit you wish when
you use the self-starter.
Now what is the secret of getting things done and what is the
self-starter that forces you to use this great secret?
The secret of getting things done is to act. The self-starter
is the self-motivator DO IT NOW!
As long as you live, never say to yourself, "DO IT NOW!"
unless you follow through with desirable action. Whenever
action is desirable and the symbol DO IT NOW! flashes from
your subconscious mind to your conscious mind, immediately
Make it a practice to respond to the self-starter DO IT NOW! m
little things. You will quickly develop the habit of a reflex
response so powerful that in times of emergency or when
opportunity presents itself, you will act.
Say you have a phone call that you should make but you have a
tendency to procrastinate. And you have put off making that
phone call. When the self-starter DO IT NOW! flashes from your
subconscious to your conscious mind: Act. Make that phone call
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Or suppose, for example, that you set your alarm clock for
6:00 a.m. Yet when the alarm goes off, you feel sleepy, get
up, turn off the alarm, and go back to bed. You will have a
tendency to develop a habit to do the same thing in the
future. But if your subconscious mind flashes to the conscious
DO IT NOW! then come what may-DO IT NOW! Stay up! Why? You
want to develop the habit of responding to the self-starter DO
In Chapter Thirteen you will read how one of the authors
bought a company with one million six hundred thousand dollars
in net liquid assets with the seller's own money. This became
a reality because at the proper time the buyer responded to
the self-starter DO IT NOW!
Now H. G. Wells learned the secret of getting things done. And
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer because he did. He tried
never to let a good idea slip away from him. While an idea was
fresh, he immediately wrote down the thought that occurred to
him. This would sometimes happen in the middle of the night.
No matter. Wells would switch on the light, reach for the
pencil and paper that were always beside his bed and scribble
away. And then he would drop off to sleep again.
Ideas that might have been forgotten were recalled when he
refreshed his memory by looking at the flashes of inspiration
that had been written down immediately when they occurred.
This habit of Wells' was as natural and effortless to him as
smiling is to you when a happy thought occurs.
Many persons have the habit of procrastination. Because of it,
they may miss a train, be late for work, or even more
important-miss an opportunity that could change the whole
course of their lives for the better. History has recorded how
battles have been lost because someone put off taking
desirable action.
New students in our PMA Science of Success course sometimes
state that the procrastination habit is the one they would
like to eliminate. And then we reveal to them the secret of
getting things done. We give them the self-starter. We may
motivate them by telling them the true story of what the
self-starter meant to a war prisoner in World War II.
What the self-starter meant to a war prisoner, Kenneth Erwin
Harmon was a civilian employee for the Navy at Manila when the
Japanese landed there. He was captured and held in a hotel for
two days before he was sent to a prison camp.
On the first day, Kenneth saw that his roommate had a book
under his pillow. "May I borrow it?" he asked. The book was
Think and Grow Rich. Kenneth began to read. As he read, he met
the most important living person with the invisible talisman
imprinted with PMA on one side and NMA on the reverse.
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Before he started to read it, he had the feeling of despair.
He fearfully looked ahead to possible torture-even death in
the prison camp. But now as he read his attitude became one
inspired by hope. He had a craving to own the book. He wanted
it with him during the dread days ahead. In discussing Think
and Grow Rich with his fellow prisoner, he realized that the
book meant a great deal to the owner.
"Let me copy it," he said. "Sure, go ahead," was the response.
Kenneth Harmon employed the secret of getting things done. He
swung into immediate action. In a fury of activity he began
typing away. Word by word, page by page, chapter by chapter.
Because he was obsessed with the possibility that it would be
taken away at any moment, he was motivated to work night and
It was a good thing that he did for within an hour after the
last page was completed, his captors led him away to the
notorious Santo Tomas prison camp. He had finished in time
because he started in time. Kenneth Harmon kept the manuscript
with him during the three years and one month he was a
prisoner. He read it again and again. And it gave him food for
thought. It inspired him to: develop courage, make plans for
the future, and retain his mental and physical health. Many
prisoners at Santo Tomas were permanently injured physically
and mentally by malnutrition and fear fear of the present and
fear of the future. "But V is better when I left Santo Tomas
than when I was interned better prepared for life more
mentally alert," Kenneth Harmon told us. You get the feel of
his thinking in his statement: "Success must be continually
practiced, or it will take wings and fly away.
Now is the time to act.
For the secret of getting things done can change a person's
attitude from negative to positive. A day that might have been
ruined can become a pleasant day.
The day that might have been wasted. Jorgen Juhldahl, a
student at the University of Copenhagen, worked one summer as
a tourist guide. Because he cheerfully did much more than he
was paid to do, some visitors from Chicago made arrangements
for him to tour America. The itinerary included a day of
sightseeing in Washington, D. C, while he was en route to
On arriving in Washington, Jorgen checked in at the Willard
Hotel, where his bill had been pre-paid. He was sitting on top
of the world. In his coat pocket was his plane ticket to
Chicago; in his hip pocket was his wallet with his passport
and money. Then the young man was dealt a shocking blow.
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While getting ready for bed, he found that his wallet was
missing. He ran downstairs to the hotel desk.
"We'll do everything we can," said the manager.
But the next morning the wallet had still not been located.
Jorgen Juhldahl had less than two dollars change in his
pockets. Alone in a foreign country, he wondered what he
should do. Wire his friends in Chicago and tell them what had
happened? Go to the Danish embassy and report the lost
passport? Sit at police headquarters until they had some news?
Then, all of a sudden, he said: "No! I won't do any of these
things I I'll see Washington. I may never be here again. I
have one precious day in this great capital. After all, I
still have my ticket to get me to Chicago tonight, and
there'll be plenty of time then to solve the problem of the
money and the passport. But if I don't see Washington now I
may never see it. I've walked miles at home, I'll enjoy
walking here.
"Now is the time to be happy.
"I am the same man that I was yesterday before I lost my
wallet I was happy then. I should be happy now just to be in
America-just to have the privilege of enjoying a holiday in
this great city.
"I won't waste my time in futile unhappiness over my loss."
And so he headed off, on foot. He saw the White House and the
Capitol, he visited the great museums, he climbed to the top
of the Washington Monument. He wasn't able to take the tour of
Arlington and some other places he'd wanted to see. But what
he did see, he saw more thoroughly. He bought peanuts and
candy and nibbled on them to keep from getting too hungry.
And when he got back to Denmark, the part of his American trip
he remembered best was that day on foot in Washington a day
that might have gotten away from Jorgen Juhldahl if he had not
employed the secret of getting things done. For he knew the
truth in the statement. NOW is the time. He knew that NOW must
be seized before it becomes: yesterday-I-could-have . . .
Incidentally, to round off his story, five days after that
eventful day Washington police found both wallet and passport
and sent them to him.
Are you scared of your own best ideas? One of the things that
often prevents us from seizing the NOW is a certain timidity
in the face of our own inspirations. We're a little bit afraid
of our ideas when they first occur to us. They may seem novel
or farfetched. There's no doubt about it: It takes a certain
boldness to step out on an untested idea. Yet it's exactly
this kind of boldness that often produces the most spectacular
results. The well-known writer, Elsie Lee, tells about Ruth
Butler and her sister Eleanor, the daughters of a
nationally-known New York furrier.
"My father was a frustrated painter," says Ruth. "He had
talent, but the need to earn a living left him no time to
build a reputation as an artist. So he collected paintings.
Later, he started buying paintings for Eleanor and me." Thus,
the girls developed a knowledge and appreciation of fine art,
along with an impeccable sense of taste. As they grew older,
friends would consult them on what types of paintings they
should buy for their homes. Often they would loan pieces from
their collection for brief periods.
One day Eleanor woke Ruth up at 3 a.m. "Don't start arguing,
but I have a terrific idea! We're going to form a Master Mind
"Now what in the world is a Master Mind alliance?" Ruth asked.
"A Master Mind alliance is coordination of knowledge and
effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people,
for the attainment of a definite purpose. And that's just what
we're going to do. We're going into the business of renting
And Ruth agreed. It was a terrific idea. They set to work the
same day although friends tried to warn them of dangers: Their
valued paintings might be lost or stolen; and there might be
law suits and insurance problems. But they went right on
working--accumulating $300 in capital and talking their father
into loaning them the basement of his fur shop, rent free.
"We hauled 1,800 paintings from our own collections in among
the coat forms," Ruth recalls, "and ignored father's sad and
disapproving eyes. The first year was grim a real struggle."
But the novel idea paid off. Their company, known as the New
York Circulating Library of Paintings, became a success with
about 500 paintings constantly on rental to business firms,
doctors, lawyers and for use in homes. One valued client was
an inmate of the Massachusetts Penitentiary for eight years.
He wrote humbly that perhaps the Library wouldn't rent to him,
considering his address. The paintings went to him rent free
except for transportation costs. In return Ruth and Eleanor
received a letter from prison authorities.
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telling how the paintings were used in an art appreciation
course that benefited many hundreds of prisoners. Ruth and
Eleanor started their business with an idea. And then they
backed their idea up with immediate action. The results were a
profit to themselves and increased pleasure and happiness for
many others.
Are you ready to double your income? In 1955, W. Clement Stone
was one of seven executives who made a tour of the Asiatic and
Pacific areas as representatives of the National Sales
Executives International. On a Tuesday in mid-November, he
gave a talk on motivation to a group of businessmen at
Melbourne, Australia. The following Thursday evening, he
received a phone call. It was from Edwin H. East, manager of a
firm that sold metal cabinets. Mr. East was excited:
"Something wonderful has happened! You'll be as enthusiastic
as I am when I tell you about it!" "Tell me about it. What did
"An amazing thing! You gave your talk on motivation Tuesday.
In your talk you recommended ten inspirational books. I bought
Think and Grow Rich and started to read it that evening. I
read for hours. The next morning I started reading it again
and then I wrote on a piece of paper:
"My major definite aim is to double last year's sales this
year. The amazing thing is: I did it in forty-eight hours."
"How did you do it?" Mr. Stone asked East. "How did you double
your income?"
East responded: "In your speech on motivation, you told how Al
Allen, one of your Wisconsin salesmen, tried to sell
cold-canvass in a certain block. You said that Al was lucky
because he worked all day and didn't make a sale.
"That evening, you said, Al Allen developed inspirational
dissatisfaction. He determined that the following day he would
again call on exactly the same prospects and sell more
insurance policies that day than any of the other
representatives in his group would sell all week.
"You told how Al Allen completely canvassed the same city
block. He called on the same people and sold 66 new accident
contracts. I remembered your statement: 'It can't be done some
may think, but Al did it.' I believed you. I was ready. "I
remembered the self-starter you gave us: DO IT NOW! '*I went
to my card records and analyzed ten 'dead' accounts I prepared
what might previously have seemed to be an enormous program to
present to each. I repeated the self-starter DO IT NOW several
times. And then I called on the ten accounts with a positive
mental attitude and made eight large sales. It is
amazing truly amazing what PMA will do for the salesmen who
use its power!"
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Now Edwin H. East was ready when he heard the talk on
motivation. He listened to the message that was applicable to
him. He was searching for something. And he found what he was
looking for. Our purpose in relating this particular story is
that you, too, have read about Al Allen. But you may not have
seen how you could apply the principle to your own experience.
Edwin H. East did. And you can, too. You can apply the
principles in each of the stories you read in Success Through
a Positive Mental Attitude.
Now, however, we want you to learn the self-starter, DO IT
Sometimes a decision to act immediately can make your wildest
dreams come true. It worked that way for Manley Sweazey.
You can mix business and pleasure. Manley loved hunting and
fishing. His idea of the good life was to hike fifty miles
into the woods with his pole and his rifle, and hike back a
couple of days later exhausted, muddy, and very happy.
The only trouble with this hobby was that it took too much
time out from his work as an insurance salesman. Then one day
as he reluctantly left a favorite bass lake and headed back to
his desk, Manley had a wild idea. Suppose, somewhere, there
were people . living in a wilderness people who needed
insurance. Then he could work and be out-of-doors at the same
time! And indeed, Manley discovered, there was such a group of
people: The men who worked for the Alaska Railroad. They lived
in scattered section-houses strung out along the 500-mile
length of the track. What if he were to sell insurance to
these railroad men, and to the trappers and gold miners along
the route?
The same day that the idea came to him, Sweazey began making
positive plans. He consulted a travel agent and began packing.
He didn't pause to let doubts creep in and frighten him into
believing that his idea might be scatterbrained . . . that it
might fail. Instead of picking the idea apart for its flaws,
he took a boat to Seward, Alaska.
He walked the length of the railroad many, many times.
"Walking Sweazey," as he was called, became a welcome sight to
these isolated families, not only because he sold insurance
when no one else had thought them worth bothering with, but
because he represented the outside world. He went the extra
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For he taught
himself how to cut hair, and did it free of charge. He taught
himself how to cook, too. Since the single men ate mostly
canned foods and bacon, Manley, with his culinary skills, was
a welcome guest. And all the while he was doing what came
naturally. He was doing what he wanted to do: tramping the
hills, hunting, fishing and as he puts it, "living the life of Sweazey!"
In the life insurance business there is a special place of honor reserved for men who sell over a million dollars worth of business in one year. It is called the Million Dollar Round Table. Now the remarkable and almost unbelievable part of Manley Sweazey's story is that: having acted on his impulse, having taken off for the wilds of Alaska, having walked the railroad where no one else had bothered to go, he did his million dollars of business, and more, in a single year, to take his place at the Round Table.
And none of it would have happened if he had hesitated to
employ the secret of getting things done when his "wild" idea
came to him.
Memorize the self-starter DO IT NOW!
DO IT NOW! can affect every phase of your life. It can help
you do the things you should do, but don't feel like doing. It
can keep you from procrastinating when an unpleasant duty
faces you. But it can also help you as it did Manley Sweazey,
to do those things that you want to do. It helps you seize
those precious moments which, if lost, may never be retrieved.
The endearing word to a friend, for example. The telephone
call to an associate, fust telling him that you admire him.
All in response to the self-starter DO IT NOW!
Write yourself a letter. Here is an idea to help you get
started. Sit down and write yourself a letter, telling the
things you always intended to do as though they had already
been accomplished-some personal, some charitable, and others
community projects. Write the letter as if a biographer were
writing about the wonderful person you really are when you
come under the influence of PMA. But don't stop there. Use the
secret of getting things done. Respond to the self-starter DO
Remember, regardless of what you have been or what you are, you can be what you want to be if you act with PMA.
The self-starter DO IT NOW! is an important self-motivator. It
is the important step towards understanding and applying the
principles of the next chapter entitled, "How to Motivate
Pilot No. 8
1. It is better for people to do something and pay nothing, than to pay dues and do nothing.
2. "Too often what we read and profess becomes a part of our libraries and our vocabularies, instead of becoming a part of our lives."
3. "Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.
4. The secret of getting things done is: DO IT NOW!
5. As long as you live, never say to yourself "DO IT NOW!" unless you immediately follow through with desirable action.
6. Now is the time to act.
7. Now is the time to be happy.