Chapter Fifteen
No. 15
With the idea that we
are about to give you, you can have riches far beyond your
fondest hope.
This idea will bring you a wealth of happiness. For your
personality will expand. And you will receive affection and
love, both of a quality and a quantity you have never before
dreamed possible.
This principle was expressed dramatically on many occasions by
the author, Lloyd C. Douglas. When Douglas retired from the
ministry he moved into a more extended form of inspirational
teaching: the writing of novels. His ministry had reached
hundreds; his books reached thousands; his movies, millions.
And to each he preached the same basic message. But it was
never so clearly expressed as in the novel The Magnificent
Obsession. The principle is so obvious here that those who
need it most may not see it at all. It is simply this:
Develop an obsession a Magnificent Obsession to help others.
Share yourself without expecting a reward, payment, or
commendation. And above all else keep your good turn a secret.
And, if you do this, you will set in motion the powers of a
universal law. For, try as you will to avoid payment for your
good deed blessings and rewards will be showered upon you.
No matter who you are, you can have a magnificent obsession.
Every living person can help others by sharing a part of
himself. You don't have to be rich or powerful to develop a
Magnificent Obsession. Regardless of who you are, or what you
have been, you can create inside yourself a burning desire to
be helpful to others.
Take, for example, the sinner with a magnificent obsession.
You'll never know his name. That's a secret. When he was asked
to help the Boys Clubs of America—an organization the sole
purpose of which is the building of character in children—with
a small donation, he refused. In fact, he was more than rude
to the man who had called to interview him on this occasion.
PAGE: 165
"Get out!" he said. *Tm sick and tired of people asking me for
As the representative was walking toward the door to leave, he
stopped, turned around, and looked kindly at the man sitting
behind his desk. "You may not wish to share with the needy.
But I do. I'll share with you a part of what I have a prayer:
May God bless you." And then he turned swiftly and left.
You see, with a flash of inspiration the Boys Club
representative had remembered: ". . . silver and gold have I
none, but such as I have give I unto you." And a few days
later an interesting thing happened.
The man who had said, "Get out!" knocked on the door of the
Club representative's office and asked, "May I come in?" He
brought with him a part of what he had to share: a check for
half a million dollars. As he laid the check on the desk, he
said: "I am giving this on one condition: that you never let
anyone know that I did it."
"Why not?" he was asked.
"I don't want my name to represent to boys and girls that I am
good. I'm not a saint. For I have been a sinner."
And that is why you'll never know his name. Just he, the Boys
Club representative, and the Greatest Giver of All know the
name of the sinner whose money was donated for the purpose of
helping boys and girls avoid doing the wrong things he had
Like the Boys Club representative, you may not have money, but
you can share by giving a part of what you have. And like him,
you can be a part of a great cause. And you, too, when you
give, can give generously.
Your most preciously valued possessions and your greatest
powers are often necessarily invisible and intangible. No one
can take them. You and you alone can share them.
The more you share, the more you will have.
Now if you doubt this, you can prove it to yourself by giving:
a smile to everyone you meet; a kind word; a pleasant
response; appreciation with warmth from the heart; cheer;
encouragement; hope; honor, credit, and applause; good
thoughts; evidence of love for your fellowmen; happiness; a
prayer for the godless and the godly; and time for a worthy
cause with eagerness.
PAGE: 166
If you do experiment by giving any one of the above, you will also prove
to yourself what we have found is one of the most difficult
principles to teach those who need it most: how to cause
desirable actions within yourself. Until you do learn, you
will fail to realize that what is left with you when you share
it with others will multiply and grow; and what you withhold
from others will diminish and decrease. Therefore, share that
which is good and desirable and withhold that which is bad and
Be a part of a great cause. We know of a mother who lost her
only child: a beautiful, happy, teen-age girl who brought
laughter and inspiration to all who were fortunate enough to
know her. In attempting to neutralize the grief of her loss,
this mother developed a most magnificent obsession and became
a part of a great cause. Today she is among the many thousands
of American women who are making this world a better world to
live in. Because of the wonderful work she is doing and the
beauty of her Magnificent Obsession, we wrote and asked her if
she would be kind enough to share with us the inspiration
which helped her develop her Magnificent Obsession. Her
response was:
"The searing agony of losing our beloved daughter is never far
away in my mind. Conceived in love and nurtured with love, she
held our entire future and all our hopes in every sense of the
words. The Almighty took our only child from us at the age of
fourteen-and-a-half. It is impossible to describe our loss.
The bright promise of the future went dull, for the light of
our lives had been snuffed out. Everything that we had lived
to the full became empty. All that was sweet turned bitter.
"My husband and I reacted as does everyone. Our very existence
was encompassed by the eternally unanswered question: WHY? My
husband retired, we sold our home, and, seeking an escape, did
extensive traveling. Only when we came face to face with the
harsh reality that we couldn't run away from our sadness and
our memories did we return. Slowly, ever so slowly, we
recognized that our loss was not exclusive. We had sought
solace and found none, for our motives were self-centered. It
took months for my mind to begin to accept the fact that all
the joys of children and good health and security are
blessings the Almighty loans to each of us. These infinite
mercies which we finite persons presume to take for granted
should each be cherished for their true meaning and great and
irreplaceable value.
"How could I earn the right to keep my other blessings? How
could I show my appreciation and thanks to Heaven for allowing
me my husband's love, for living in this great nation of ours,
for my friends and my five unimpaired senses, for all the good
things that surrounded me? Now my efforts to find myself began
to move in the right direction.
PAGE: 167
"Although bereft of my dearest possession, the Almighty had
given me, in recompense, an empathy with people and a clearer
understanding of the problems besetting each of us.
Proportionately* my own understanding in relation to adjusting
to my loss grew apace, as my service in helping others
"I sought to find the niche in social work that would
ultimately give me the opportunity to leave my small heritage
for humanity in lieu of my beloved daughter and found the
answer in City of Hope.
"Now, as surely as time passes, my peace of mind, call it a
Magnificent Obsession if you will, gains in stature. It is my
earnest wish that all who suffer loss of a loved one can find
comfort and serenity in service to others."
Today the City of Hope, national medical and research center, renders entirely free patient care. Its services are dispensed on the highest humanitarian level in the belief that "Man is his brother's keeper." This wonderful mother found peace of mind in a truly Magnificent Obsession.
The entire nation in fact the entire world can be affected by the Magnificent Obsession of just one man who wants to share a part of what he has. Orison Swett Marden was a man who shared a part of what he had and developed a Magnificent Obsession that changed the attitude of people from negative to positive.
The seeds of thought in a book grew into a magnificent
obsession* At the age of seven Orison Swett Marden became an
orphan. He was "bound out" for his room and board. At an early
age he read Self-Help, by the Scottish author Samuel Smiles
who, like Marden, had become an orphan as a young boy and had
found the secrets of true success. The seeds of thought in
Self-Help created a burning desire in Marden which grew into
his magnificent obsession and made his world a better world in
which to live.
During the boom that preceded the panic of 1893, Marden owned
and operated four hotels. Since their operation was entrusted
to others, he was devoting much of his time to writing a book.
Actually, he was fulfilling a desire to write a book that
would motivate American youth as Self-Help had motivated him.
He was working diligently on his inspirational manuscript when
an ironical twist of fate struck him and tested his mettle.
Marden entitled his work Pushing to the Front, And he took as
his motto: "Let Every Occasion Be a Great Occasion for You
Cannot Tell When Fate May Be Taking Your Measure for a Larger
PAGE: 168
And at that very instant Fate was taking his measure for a
larger place. The misfortune that struck him would have ruined
many a man. What happened?
The panic of 1893 struck. Two of the Marden hotels burned to
the ground. His manuscript, nearly completed, was destroyed.
His tangible wealth went down the drain, wiped out.
But Marden had a Positive Mental Attitude. He looked about him
to see what had happened to the nation and himself. His first
conclusion was that the panic was brought on by fear: fear of
the value of the American dollar; fear caused by the failure
of a few large corporations; fear of stock values; and fear of
industrial unrest.
Those fears caused the stock market to crash. Five hundred and
sixty-seven banks and loan and trust companies, as well as a
hundred and fifty-six railway companies, failed. Strikes were
prevalent. Unemployment affected millions of persons. Because
of drouth and heat, farmers experienced crop failures.
Marden looked about him at the shambles in material things and
human lives. He saw the great need for someone or something to
inspire the nation and its people. Offers came to him to
manage other hotels. He turned them down. A desire had caught
hold of him, a Magnificent Obsession. And he combined it with
PMA. He set to work on a new book. His new motto, a
self-motivator: Every occasion is a great occasion!
"If ever there was a time when America needed the help of a
positive mental attitude, it is now," he told friends.
He worked over a livery stable and lived on one dollar and a
half each week. He worked almost unceasingly, day and night He
completed the first edition of Pushing to the Front in 1893.
The book received immediate acceptance. It was used
extensively in the public schools as a textbook and as a
supplementary reader. Business houses circulated it among
their employees. Distinguished educators, statesmen and
members of the clergy, merchants, and sales managers commended
it as a most powerful motivator to a positive mental attitude.
And, in time, it was printed in twenty-five different
languages. Millions of copies were sold.
PAGE: 109
Marden, like the authors of Success Through a Positive Mental
Attitude, believed that character is the cornerstone in
building and maintaining success. He believed the highest and
best achievements are noble manhood and womanhood, and that
the achievement of true integrity and well-rounded character
is in itself success. He taught the secrets of financial and
business success. But he also entered a perpetual protest
against dollar chasing and over-reaching greed. He taught
there is something infinitely better than making a living: It
is making a noble life.
Marden showed how some men may make millions and still be
utter failures. Those who sacrifice their families,
reputation, health everything for dollars are failures in
life, regardless of how much money they may accumulate. He
also taught that one may succeed without becoming a president
or a millionaire.
Perhaps one of the greatest achievements of Marden's
Magnificent Obsession was the awakening of men and women to
the realization that they could experience success if they
would only employ the virtues they would like their children
to have.
Perhaps fully as rewarding to Marden, Pushing to the Front was
instrumental in changing the attitude of an entire nation from
negative to positive. And that influence was felt throughout
the world.
Marden demonstrated that a burning desire can generate the
drive to action that is imperative for great achievement.
As you have seen, it took courage and sacrifice for Orison
Swett Marden to bring his Magnificent Obsession into reality.
A Magnificent Obsession does take courage. You may need to
stand alone in combating and repelling the ridicule and
ignorance of the experts. Like great discoverers, creators,
inventors, philosophers, and geniuses, you may be termed
"crazy/' "nuts," or a "crackpot." The experts may say what you
are trying to do can't be done. With time your burning desire
and constant effort will bring your Magnificent Obsession into
reality. When they say, "It can't be done," find a way to do
A magnificent obsession will conquer in spite of the obstacles
that stand in its way! Many years ago, a student at the
University of Chicago and his friends went to hear a lecture
by Sir Arthui Conan Doyle on spiritualism. They went for a
lark. They meant to scoff. One of these students, J. B. Rhine,
was impressed by the seriousness of the speaker. He began to
listen. Certain ideas impressed him. He couldn't dismiss them
from his mind. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle referred to men of great
repute who were searching into the realm of psychic phenomena.
J. B. Rhine decided to investigate and to engage in some
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In referring to the incident a short time ago, Dr. Rhine,
Director of The Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University
in North Carolina, said: "There were things said there that I
should have known as a college student During and after the
lecture I began to recognize some of them. My education had
omitted many of the things that were important, such as ways
of seeking the unknown. I began to see some of the faults of
the educational system of the day."
He became interested in the freedom of all to secure new
knowledge. He began to resent a system whereby seeking the
truth in any form, or on any issue, became a taboo. He began
to develop a burning desire to learn the truth scientifically
regarding man's psychic powers. His burning desire turned into
a Magnificent Obsession.
Rhine had planned to devote his life to college teaching. He
was warned that he would lose his reputation and that his
earning power as a teacher would be impaired. His friends and
college professors ridiculed him and endeavored to discourage
him. Some began to shun him. "I must find out for myself," he
told a scientist friend.
The friend responded: 'When you do find out, keep it to
yourself! No one is going to believe!"
He did keep his discoveries to himself until he was able to
develop confirmed scientific proof. Today he is honored and
respected throughout the world.
Over the past thirty years his battles have been figuratively
knuckle fighting every inch of the ground in combating taboos,
ignorance, antagonism, and ridicule.
One of the greatest obstacles with which Dr. Rhine has been
constantly plagued over the years has been the lack of the
necessary money for expanding his research. At one time, for
example, his only EEG machine was assembled from the remains
of one found in a junk pile. It had been discarded by a
Have you ever thought that you can develop a Magnificent
Obsession by becoming a part of a great cause and by sharing a
part of what you have? If you have, you already realize that
there are many college and university professors today whose
Magnificent Obsessions are to seek the truth in various fields
so that all mankind may be benefited by their discoveries.
Because such persons spend all their time in searching for
these truths, they are almost always handicapped by the lack
of money to buy necessary equipment, provide for their own
livelihood and the livings of others engaged in working on the
project, etc.
PAGE: 171
You can become a part of such a cause and thus fulfill a
magnificent obsession of your own. You can find such a
dedicated person in almost any college or university.
Money and a Magnificent Obsession! You might ask: How can we
mention money in the same breath with a Magnificent Obsession?
If you did we would respond: "Isn't money good?"
Is money good? Is money good? Many negative-minded persons
say, "Money is the root of all evil." But the Bible says: Love
of money is the root of all evil. And there is a big
difference between the two even though one little word makes
the difference.
It has been amazing to the authors to observe negative-minded
persons react unfavorably to Think and Grow Rich and its
contents. For these negative-minded persons might earn in a
single year more than they now earn in a lifetime by changing
their attitude from negative to positive. To do this it would
be necessary to clear the cobwebs of their thinking regarding
In our society money is the medium of exchange. Money is
power. Like all power, money can be used for good or for evil.
Think and Grow Rich has motivated many thousands of its
readers to acquire great wealth through PMA. They have been
inspired in Think and Grow Rich by the biographies of such men
as: Henry Ford, William Wrigley, Henry L. Doherty, John D.
Rockefeller, Thomas Alva Edison, Edward A. Filene, Julius
Rosenwald, Edward J. Bok, and Andrew Carnegie.
Now the men whose names you have just read established
Foundations which even to this day have in the aggregate in
excess of one billion dollars: money set aside exclusively for
charitable, religious, and educational purposes. Today
expenditures and grants from these Foundations total in excess
of $200 million in a single year.
Is money good? We know it is.
The Magnificent Obsessions of these men will live in
And the story of the life of Andrew Carnegie will convince the
reader that Carnegie shared with others a part of what he had:
money, philosophy, and something more. In fact, Success
Through a Positive Mental Attitude would not have been written
if it were not for Andrew Carnegie. That is why this book is
dedicated to him, and to you.
PAGE: 172
Let's talk about him and you. Let's learn from his philosophy.
Let's see how we can apply it in our lives.
A simple philosophy grew into a magnificent obsession! A poor
Scottish immigrant boy became the richest man in America. His
inspiring story and motivating philosophy are found in the
Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie.
As a boy and throughout his Me Carnegie was motivated by a
simple fundamental philosophy: Anything in life worth having
is worth working for! This simple philosophy grew into a
Magnificent Obsession.
And before he died at the age of eighty-three, Carnegie had
worked diligently for many years to share his great wealth
intelligently with those then living and with future
While he lived, Carnegie was successful in giving
approximately a half billion dollars through direct grants,
Foundations, and trusts. His contribution of millions of
dollars for the establishment of libraries is a well-known
example of the application of his standard:
Anything in life worth having is worth working for!
And the books in these libraries have been, and will continue
to be, of benefit only to those persons who work to get the
knowledge, understanding, and wisdom they contain by reading
and studying them.
In the year 1908, Napoleon Hill, at the age of eighteen, while
working his way through college as a reporter for a magazine,
interviewed the great steelmaker, philosopher, and
philanthropist. The first interview lasted three hours. And
then the great man invited the youngster to his home.
For three days Carnegie indoctrinated Napoleon Hill with his
philosophy. And he finally inspired the young reporter to
devote at least twenty years of his Me to study, research, and
find the simple, underlying principles of success. Andrew
Carnegie told Napoleon Hill that his greatest wealth consisted
not in money but in what he termed the philosophy of American
achievement. He commissioned Napoleon Hill as his agent to
share it with the world.
And in this book he is sharing it with you.
While he lived, Andrew Carnegie helped Napoleon Hill by giving
him letters of introduction to the great men and women of his
day. He advised him. He shared his thoughts with him. He
helped him in every way, with but one exception money. For he
said, "Anything in life worth having is worth working for."
Now he knew that this self-motivator, when applied, would
attract happiness and physical, mental, and spiritual health
as well as wealth. Everyone can learn and apply Andrew
Carnegie's principles.
PAGE: 173
It is customary for a man to share a part of his tangible
wealth with his loved ones as he goes through Me, or he may do
so in his will. This world would be a better world to live in
if each person would leave, as an inheritance to posterity,
the philosophy and know-how that brought him happiness,
physical, mental and spiritual health and wealth as did Andrew
The writings of Napoleon Hill make available to you the
principles whereby Carnegie acquired his great wealth. They
are just as applicable to you as they were to him.
Another wealthy man who had a Magnificent Obsession and shared
a part of what he had was Michael L. Benedum. His close
friend, United States Senator Jennings Randolph, recently told
us Benedum started on a salary of twenty-five dollars a week
and became one of the richest men in America. He was worth
over one hundred million dollars. And yet, the turning point
in his career followed a very minor incident.
As a young man of twenty-five, Benedum courteously gave his
seat on a train to an elderly stranger. To Benedum it was the
obvious thing to do. And the elderly stranger turned out to be
John Worthington, General Superintendent of the South Penn Oil
Company. In the conversation that followed, Worthington
offered Mike Benedum a job. Benedum accepted and eventually
became "the discoverer of more oil than any other single
individual who ever lived."
Some people say you can fudge a man by the philosophy by which
he lives. Mike Benedum's philosophy about money went something
like this: "I'm just a trustee for it and will be held
accountable for the good I can accomplish with it, both in the
community as a whole and in behalf of opportunities for people
coming up even as I was given an opportunity, back when."
PAGE: 174
Like so many others with a Magnificent Obsession, Benedum
lived to a ripe old age. On his eighty-fifth birthday, he
said: "I have been asked how I keep going at my age. My
formula is to keep busy so that the years go by unnoticed. To
despise nothing except selfishness, meanness, and corruption.
To fear nothing except cowardice, disloyalty, and
indifference. To covet nothing that is my neighbor's except
his kindness of heart and his gentleness of spirit To think
many, many times of my friends and, if possible, seldom
of my enemies. As I see it, age is not a question of years. It
is a state of mind. You are as young as your faith, and today
I think I have more faith in my fellow man, in my country, and
in my God than I have ever had."
You live longer with a magnificent obsession. Of course, it's
the old story: the man who has something to live for lives
longer. Men like Herbert Hoover and General Robert E. Wood are
doing much for American youth by sharing their time and money
with the Boys Clubs of America, and they are long-lived
because of their Magnificent Obsessions. They devote their
thinking and time to projects that benefit others. And because
their lives have been the good lives of men with Magnificent
Obsessions, they experience the pleasure and therapeutic value
of the esteem and love of their fellowmen.
Of course, you may not have the material wealth of an Andrew
Carnegie or a Michael L. Benedum but that does not deprive you
of building your own Magnificent Obsession. At least, it
didn't Irving Rudolph.
They're all in jail but my brother and me! Irving has devoted
his Me to helping boys in blighted neighborhoods. This work is
in gratitude for having been saved by a new Boys Club in the
rough neighborhood in which he was raised.
How did Irving Rudolph get started in Boys Club work?
He lived in a poor neighborhood-North Avenue and Halsted
Street in Chicago. He traveled with a tough crowd. There was
plenty of trouble. Plenty of things for boys to get into that
they shouldn't. And not much to occupy their time to keep them
out of trouble. One day a Boys Club was started in an
abandoned church in the neighborhood.
"My brother and I were the only two fellows in our gang who
visited the Club," Irving explains. "They're all in jail but
my brother and me. If it hadn't been for the Lincoln Unit Boys
Club, we'd be there, too."
Irving is grateful for what the Boys Club did for him and his
brother. And he is devoting his life to helping boys in
blighted neighborhoods. Through his enthusiasm and zeal, large
donations have been received to support the Chicago Boys
Clubs. Through him, men and women of influence have been
attracted to this cause.
PAGE: 175
"I feel that my work is only a token payment of my gratitude
to a Higher Power for bringing me and my brother under this
influence," Irving explains. Then he adds, "Just visit a Boys
Club. See for yourself the good work that is being done. You
will then feel a part of what I feel for the kids who have the
need I had."
Now there are thousands of men and women who are fulfilling
their Magnificent Obsessions in sacrificing time and money to
help the Boy Scouts of America. Your life has benefited from
their Magnificent Obsessions if ...
IF ...
If you do your best to try never to violate your honor by lying or cheating and always try to fulfill the responsibility with which you are entrusted ...
If you keep clean in thought and body if you exemplify clean habits, clean speech, clean sport if you associate with a clean crowd . . .
If you stand up for the rights of others against the undesirable influence and coaxing of friends and threats of enemies if defeat inspires you to try to succeed if you have the courage to face danger in spite of fear ...
If you work faithfully and make the best of your opportunities-if you don't wantonly destroy property if you save money so that you can pay your own way in this world and yet be generous to those in need and give financial help and time to worthy causes if you do a good turn each day without expecting compensation . . .
If you are a friend to all and a brother to every living man, woman, and child regardless of race, color, or creed . . .
If you are prepared to learn to know dangers, to avoid negligence and to know the remedies necessary to help injured persons and save human lives, to share the duties and responsibilities in your home and place of business ...
If you are polite to all, especially to the weak, helpless, and unfortunate ...
If you will not kill or hurt any living creature needlessly, but strive to protect all living animals ...
If you smile when you can, do your work promptly and cheerfully—and if you never shirk or grumble at responsibilities or hardships ...
If you are loyal to all to whom loyalty is due, to the members of your family, the firm for which you work and your country . . .
If you respect duly constituted authorities and obey that which does not violate your moral code...
If you do your best to do your duty to God and your country, to help other people at all times, to keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight...
PAGE: 176
Then you live and act in response to the imprint in your
subconscious mind of the Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of
America. What kind of a person would you be if you lived up to
these standards?
America is great because its people live by a great
philosophy. It can be symbolized in the phrase The Great
American Heart.
Henry J. Kaiser is another with a Magnificent Obsession. He
has done so much to make his world a better world to live in.
A quotation that hung on the wall of a blacksmith shop in
England inspired him as it may also inspire you. It is:
"What! Giving again?" I ask in dismay,
"And must I keep giving and giving away?"
"Oh no/' said the angel looking me through,
"Just keep giving till the Master stops giving to you!"
In reading up to this point you started Where the Road to
Achievement Began. You were awakened by Five Mental Bombshells
for Attacking Success. And you have been given the Key to The
Citadel of Wealth. Now: Get Ready to Succeed! That is the
purpose of the following chapters.
No. 15
1. To develop a Magnificent Obsession: Share yourself with others without expecting a reward, payment or commendation. Keep your good turns a secret.
2. Regardless of who you are, or what you have been, you can create inside yourself a burning desire to be helpful to others. You can develop your own Magnificent Obsession.
3. The more you share, the more you will have. Therefore, share that which is good and desirable, and withhold that which is bad and undesirable.
4. You can develop your own Magnificent Obsession by becoming a part of a good cause, as did the mother who lost her only child.
5. Character is the cornerstone in building and maintaining success.
6. There is something infinitely better than making a living: It is making a noble life.
7. A burning desire can generate the drive to action that is imperative to great achievement
8. It takes courage and sacrifice to develop and maintain a Magnificent Obsession. You may need to stand alone against the ridicule and ignorance of others, as did Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine.
9. Some people say: Money is the root of all evil. But the Bible says: Love of money is the root of all evil.
10. Men like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Michael Benedum used the power of their money to establish charitable, educational, and religious Foundations. The good that has been done by the Magnificent Obsessions of such men will live in perpetuity!
11. Anything in life worth having is worth working for.
12. "What! Giving again?" I ask in dismay. "And must I keep giving and giving away?" "Oh no," said the angel looking me through,
"Just keep giving till the Master stops giving to you!"