Chapter Seventeen ~
Pilot No. 17
Positive Mental Attitude
plays an important role in your health and your day-to-day
energies and enthusiasms for your life and your work. "Every
day in every way, through the grace of God, I am getting
better and better,'* is no pie-in-the-sky jargon for the man
who recites the sentence several times each day upon awakening
and again before going to bed.
In one sense, he is putting PMA forces to work for him. He is
using the forces which attract the better things of Me to him.
He is using the forces which the authors of Success Through a
Positive Mental Attitude want you to use.
How PMA aids you, PMA will help you develop mental and
physical health and a longer life. And NMA will just as surely
undermine mental and physical health and shorten your life. It
all depends upon which side of the talisman you turn up.
Positive Mental Attitude properly employed has saved the lives
of many persons because someone close to them had a strong
Positive Mental Attitude. The following incident proves the
The baby was only two days old when the doctor said, "The
child won't live."
"The child will live!" responded the father. The father had a
Positive Mental Attitude he had faith he believed in the
miracle of prayer. He prayed. He also believed in action. And
he got into action! He placed the child under the care of a
pediatrician who also had a Positive Mental Attitude a doctor
who knew from experience that for every physical weakness
Nature provides a compensating factor. The child did live!
The above headline appeared in the Chicago Daily News. The
article mentioned that a building engineer a
sixty-two-year-old man came home and went to bed with chest
pains and shortness of breath. His wife, who was ten years
younger, became alarmed and began hopefully to rub her
husband's arms to increase circulation. But he died.
"I can't stand to go on any more," the widow told her mother,
who was beside her.
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And then the widow died. She died that very same day!
The baby that lived and the widow who died demonstrate the
powerful forces of positive and negative mental attitudes.
Knowing that accentuating the positive will attract good
things to you and accepting the negative will bring the bad,
isn't it common sense to develop positive thoughts and
If you have not already done so, now is the time to develop a
PMA philosophy. Prepare for any possible emergency. Always
have something to live for. And remember, when you have
something to live for, the subconscious mind forces upon your
conscious mind strong motivating factors to keep you alive in
times of emergency. We need look no further than Rafael Correa
to prove our point.
An eventful night. He was only twenty years of age. His family
was not wealthy, yet it was particularly well esteemed.
Therefore, six doctors and a young intern had struggled all
night in that small operating room at San Juan, Puerto Rico,
trying to save Rafael's life. Now, after twelve hours of
unceasing watchfulness and attention, they were tired. And
they were sleepy. Try as they would, they were finally unable
to hear his heart beat. They couldn't find his pulse.
The head surgeon took a knife and cut the blood vessels in
Rafael's wrist. The fluid was yellow. The surgeon hadn't used
an anesthetic for the boy's body was so weak that pain didn't
seem possible. The doctors thought he could not hear what they
were saying. And they spoke as if he were dead. One said, "Not
even a miracle can save him now!"
The chief surgeon took off his surgical coat and prepared to
leave the room. The young intern asked, "May I have the body?"
"Yes," was the response. The doctors left the room.
It has been written: So we do not lose heart . . . Because we
look not to the things that are seen but to the things that
are unseen; for the things that are seen are transient, but
the things that are unseen are eternal.
They could see the physical body, but Rafael was a mind with a
body. What was happening to the mind of Rafael Correa which
was not visible?
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In that twilight state between life and death, Rafael was not
able consciously to move his body. But because of the positive
mental attitude he had developed in his subconscious mind by
reading inspirational books, his mind was communicating with a
Higher Power. He felt that God was with him.
He began to speak to God as a friend like a man talking with
another. "You know me You are inside me You are my blood You
are my Me You are my everything. There is but one mind one
principle one substance in the universe, and I am one with ill
"If I die, I don't lose anything. I just change form. But I am
only twenty years old. Dear God, I'm not afraid to die but I'm
willing to live! If You choose to give me life, some day,
somehow, 111 be able and willing through Your mercy to lead a
better life and to help others."
As the intern approached Rafael, he looked at Rafael's face
and observed the twitching of his eyelids and a teardrop
falling from the corner of his left eye. "Doctor, doctor, come
quickly! I think he's alive!" he called excitedly.
It took more than a year for him to regain his strength. But
Rafael Correa did live!
Some years later Rafael flew from San Juan to Chicago to ask
the authors to hold a three-evening PMA seminar at San Juan.
It was then that Rafael told us his story of that eventful
night in his life.
We were inspired by his story and particularly also by the
fact that since he had been granted his life, he was trying to
make good on his promise to help others. We flew to San Juan
to conduct the seminar.
While we were in San Juan, Rafael introduced us to the chief
surgeon who had been with him all that night, and the doctor
confirmed Rafael's story. During the course of the
conversation we asked Rafael, "What was the name of the book
that influenced you in your hour of need?" Rafael replied:
"I had read many inspirational books, but I believe the
thoughts that went through my mind that night were primarily
from Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures by Mary
Baker Eddy."
As proved by Rafael, inspirational books are tremendously
instrumental in changing lives. And there is no book with more
inspiration and motivation than the Bible. The Bible has
changed the lives of more persons than any other book. It has
helped countless thousands to develop physical, mental, and
moral health.
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Reading the Bible has developed a greater understanding of Its
truths in many persons and caused them to draw closer to their
own church. This is because the Bible has motivated them to
positive action.
An inspirational book like the one you are now reading can
also motivate you. It can be the catalyst which starts you on
the road to desirable, positive action and success.
Use a hook as a catalyst. The dictionary defines a catalyst in
physical chemistry as a substance that causes or accelerates a
chemical reaction. The dictionary further states that an
anti-catalyst, or negative catalyst, retards a reaction.
The authors recommend that you use good inspirational books as
positive catalysts to accelerate your progress toward
achievement of true success in Me. And they hasten to warn
that you choose such catalysts with care. In Chapter 22 of
this book, entitled "The Amazing Power of a Bibliography," you
will find listed many books which the authors guarantee can
act as positive catalysts in your life—if you are ready.
Martin J. Kohe in his book Your Greatest Power tells of a
British regiment that used the 91st Psalm as a catalyst to aid
them not just to achieve a material goal, but for the very
preservation of life itself.
Kohe wrote: "F. L. Rawson, noted engineer and one of England's
greatest scientists, in his book, Life Understood, gives an
account of a British regiment under control of Colonel
Whitlesey, which served in the World War for more than four
years without losing a man. This unparalleled record was made
possible by means of active cooperation of officers and men in
memorizing and repeating regularly the words of the 91st
Psalm, which has been called the Psalm of Protection."
Protection of your Me can also be accomplished by protecting
your health. And, let there be no misunderstanding about it!
Your health is one of your most valuable assets. Many a man
today would be more than willing to trade his wealth for good
Td rather have my health than his money!" It is said that a
healthy, ambitious eighteen-year-old clerk in a produce firm
in Cleveland, Ohio, developed a major definite aim of becoming
the world's richest man. At the age of fifty-seven he retired
on doctor's orders. Like many American businessmen, he had
it stomach ulcers and shot nerves! In addition, he was a hated
"I'd rather have my health than his money," many said. John K.
Winkler tells the story in John D., A Portrait in Oils.
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Can money buy physical and mental health, a longer life and
the esteem of your fellowmen? When John D. Rockefeller retired
from active business, his major definite aims were to develop
a healthy body, maintain a healthy mind, live a long Me and
later, to win the esteem of his fellowmen. Could money buy
these? It did! Here's how Rockefeller did it and what it can
mean to you: Rockefeller:
• Attended the Baptist Church services every Sunday and took notes to learn the principles that he might apply daily.
• Slept eight hours every night and took short naps every day. And through rest he avoided harmful fatigue.
• Took a bath or shower every day. He was neat and clean in his appearance.
• Moved to Florida to a climate conducive to his good health and longevity.
• Lived a well-balanced life. For fresh air and sunshine were absorbed while he daily engaged in his favorite outdoor sport-golf. And indoor games, reading, and other wholesome activities were enjoyed with regularity.
• Ate slowly, in moderation, and chewed everything well. The saliva in his mouth was permitted to mix with the masticated foods and liquids. And they were well digested before they were swallowed. They were swallowed at body temperature. Foods too hot or too cold for the mouth were not dumped into his stomach to burn or freeze its lining.
• Digested mental and spiritual vitamins. For grace was said at each meal. And at dinner, it was his custom to have his secretary, a guest, or a member of his family read the Bible, a sermon, an inspirational poem, a motivating article from a newspaper, magazine or book.
• Employed Dr. Hamilton Fisk Biggar full time. Dr. Biggar was paid to keep John D. well, happy, and alive. He did this through motivating his patient to develop a cheerful, happy attitude. And Rockefeller lived to be ninety-seven.
• Didn't want the hatred of his fellowmen to be inherited by the members of his family. Therefore, he began intelligently to share a part of his possessions with the needy.
• At first Rockefeller's motive was primarily a selfish one. He wanted a good reputation. Then something happened! By acting generous, he became generous. And by bringing happiness and health to many through his charitable and philanthropic contributions, he found them for himself.
• And the Foundations he established will benefit mankind for generations to come. His life and money were instruments for good. This world is a better and healthier world to live in because of John D. Rockefeller!
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You shouldn't have to amass a fortune before you come to
realize that PMA will attract perfect health. But there are
some other ingredients which should be used along with PMA and
one of them is health education. Don't be ignorant about your
The price of ignorance is sin, sickness, and death! What do
you know about Hygiene? Hygiene is defined as "a system of
principles or rules designed for the promotion of health."
Social Hygiene often refers specifically to venereal
contagion. Ignorance of physical, mental, and social hygiene
can lead to sin, sickness, and death.
If you are timid in discussing such matters, read Venture of
Faith by Mary Alice and Harold Blake Walker. Today, because of
PMA, the family, schools, churches, press, the medical
profession, federal and state governments, and youth
organizations endeavor to lift the dark cloud of ignorance
regarding physical, mental, and social hygiene through
education. Prevention is taught as well as cure.
But a cure for alcoholism is not so easy to come by as
education in hygiene. Alcoholism ranks as the fourth largest
health problem in the nation. It follows mental and moral
disease and is one of the greatest contributors to those two
diseases. Industry loses in excess of a billion dollars a year
because of alcoholism. But the money loss is negligible
compared to the loss of physical, mental, and moral health,
and the loss of life attributable to alcoholism.
An alcoholic has a mental illness which lies dormant until his
first drink. If he doesn't start the habit, liquor doesn't
have the power of attraction for him. If he drinks, the
affinity is strong, and he will drink to excess. If he drinks
to excess, the attraction may become irresistible, or seem so.
And when he tries to resist and doesn't succeed, he may
believe he cannot be cured.
What happens to excessive drinkers? Alcohol is known to alter
the brain waves as recorded by the scientific instrument known
as an electroencephalograph. It has a most potent influence on
nerve cell metabolism which results in slow rhythms and
eventual suppression of voltage and brings about a change in
the level of consciousness.
A human body is alive only as long as its subconscious mind
functions. It can be kept alive for a long time without the
functioning of the conscious mind. There are degrees of
Sanity is that healthy state of mind when the activities of
the conscious and the subconscious are in proper balance. And
while they work together, each has its specific duties; each
has inhibiting factors. While sometimes it is healthful and
wholesome for a person to do the things he wants to do but
which are forbidden, judgments and actions should be the
result of the conscious and subconscious working in balance.
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The intellect and other powers of the conscious mind act as a
governor regulating the subconscious when a person is in a
conscious state of activity. As the activity of this governor
slows down, the machine begins to run wild, and the individual
may act in an illogical manner. His uncontrolled activities
may range from a simple foolish act to a state of mind
commonly known as insanity.
As the inhibiting barriers are lowered, due to the effect of
alcohol on the brain cells, the restraining controls of the
conscious mind become less effective. When the emotions,
passions, and other activities of the subconscious mind have
too free a rein, without proper regulation by the balance
wheel of the intellect, the individual in this semi-conscious
state of mind will commit foolish and undesirable acts due to
alcoholic influence.
Alcoholism is indeed a dread disease. If allowed to control a
person's life, it can render that person physically, mentally,
and morally ill and send him to a living hell. Once alcohol
has gained control in a person's life, it does not readily
relinquish its hold.
But there is a cure!
There's always a cure! What's the cure? Stop drinking! For the
alcoholic, this is more easily said than done. The important
thing is that it can be done. He can do it!
When you develop a positive mental attitude, you don't give up
trying because you have previously failed or because you know
of cases where others have failed. You can be motivated and
receive hope from successful experiences. A baby learning to
walk isn't criticized for falling after taking the first three
steps. It is given credit for the progress it makes in
response to its conscious effort.
The alcoholic may find help in a number of places. Complete
cures for alcoholism have been effected by environmental
influences in the religious therapy of established churches;
rescue missions like the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago;
revival meetings of evangelists like Oral Roberts; Alcoholics
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Anonymous; medical and psychiatric help including hypnosis;
private hospitals such as the Keeley Institute at Dwight,
Illinois; or an inspirational book like I Dare You! he
takes control of his own power. Or, if you will, until he has
a positive mental attitude However, each individual must
win his own internal victory. But, generally, it is necessary
for him to come under the environmental influence of someone
who will help him through suggestion unit) developed beyond
the point of relapsing into a negative mental attitude. PMA
can do wonders for the alcoholic if only he will put it to
work for him. And PMA will work wonders for you, too, in
attracting health and longevity.
Uncertainty about your health can undermine your PMA: by
causing you to worry about every little ache or pain. The
longer you remain uncertain, the more your attitude changes
direction from positive to negative. And if the symptoms you
have noticed really do denote a condition that requires
attention, the longer you remain uncertain and do nothing, the
greater are the opportunities for that condition to develop.
Don't be uncertain about your health. Get into action!
Take the guesswork out of your health! He was a young,
dynamic, successful automobile sales manager. His whole future
was ahead of him, yet he was mighty low! In fact, he expected
to die! He even selected and purchased his cemetery lot and
made all arrangements for his burial. He got his house in
order. But here's what actually happened.
At times he became short of breath. His heart beat rapidly.
His throat choked up. Eventually he went to his family doctor,
who was a very successful physician and surgeon. The doctor
advised him to take a rest, to take Me easy, to retire from
the work he loved, the thrilling game of selling automobiles.
The sales manager stayed home for a while and rested his body,
but because of fears, his mind was not at ease. He still
became short of breath. His heart would beat rapidly. His
throat would choke up. It was summer-time, and his doctor
advised him to vacation in Colorado.
He was carried into the Pullman compartment. Colorado, with
its healthful climate, inspirational mountains, did not
prevent the manifestation of his fears. He would frequently
experience shortness of breath, rapid beating of the heart,
and the same choked up feeling. Within a week he returned
home. He believed death was coming.
"Take the guesswork out of it!" this salesman was told (as you
might be told) by one of the authors. "You have everything to
gain and nothing to lose by going to a clinic such as Mayo
Brothers at Rochester, Minnesota. Do It Now!" At his request
he was driven to Rochester by a relative. He was actually
afraid that he might die en route.]
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When the sales manager went through the clinic, he was told
what was wrong with him. The doctor said, "Your difficulty is
that you breathe in too much oxygen." He laughed and said,
"That's silly!" The doctor responded, "Jump up and down fifty
times as if you were jumping rope." He became short of breath;
his heart beat rapidly; and his throat choked up.
"What can I do about it?" the young man asked. The doctor
responded, "When you feel this condition coming on, you can:
(1) breathe into a paper bag, or
(2) just hold your breath for a little while," and the doctor handed the patient a paper bag. The patient followed instructions. His heart stopped beating rapidly, breathing became normal, and his throat didn't bother him. He left the clinic a happy man.
Whenever the symptoms of
his illness occurred, he would just hold his breath for a
short time, and his body would function normally. After a few
months he lost his fears, and his symptoms disappeared. This
happened more than 15 years ago. He hasn't required medical
attention since.
Of course, not all cures are so easily effected. There are
times when you may have to use all your resources before aid
is found. However, it is wise to continue the search with
persistence and a positive mental attitude. Such determination
and optimism usually pay off. It did for another sales
manager. Let us tell you about him. There is always a
cure find it. This particular sales manager registered in a
small town hotel and fell and broke a leg as he entered the
room assigned to him. The hotel manager took our sales manager
to the nearest hospital where an attending physician set his
leg. A few days later it was considered safe for him to be
moved, and he returned to his home.
He convalesced for several weeks under the attention of his
family physician. But while he seemed to improve, the fracture
did not heal. After many weeks, the doctor told him that he
would get progressively worse: he would become a cripple. This
sales manager was very much disturbed because his work
required that he be on his feet.
He discussed the matter with one of the authors who said,
"Don't believe it! There is always a cure find it! Take the
guesswork out of it. Do It Now!" He was told the story of the
automobile sales manager as it has been told to you, and it
was suggested that he make arrangements to go to Mayo Brothers
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He also left the clinic a happy man. Why? He was told, "Your
system needs calcium. We could load you with it, but the
calcium would wear off. Just drink a quart of milk
a day." He did. In time the injured leg became as strong as
the sound one.
A positive mental attitude applied to health takes into
consideration the possibility of accidents. In fact, Safety
first is a PMA symbol. From it you receive the suggestion to
become alert and enforce your desire to live—to save life and
Be sure you're not driving to your own funeral, A newspaper
article carried a headline reading: "Late for a Funeral, Six
Die in 105 MPH Blowout" The lead read:
Six funerals were precipitated Sunday by the crash of an
automobile whose driver was stepping on the gas in fear he and
his relatives would be late for one funeral.
Drive carefully if you want to be physically and mentally
healthy, and if you want to live longer. As a pedestrian, be
alerted to the hazards and obey traffic laws. And when you
ride with another person at the wheel of the automobile,
remember you are at the mercy of his physical and mental
weaknesses, if any, as well as the mechanical condition of his
car. Have the courage to refuse to ride with an intoxicated
driver, or in an automobile in which the brakes don't operate
properly—even if you own the car. "The Me you save may be your
Safety first saves lives with PMA, Although it cost one
million dollars a floor for each of its forty-one stories, the
Prudential Building in Chicago was the most inexpensive office
building of its kind ever constructed. Why? It didn't cost a
single penne! There were no serious accidents. Safety factors
were installed because of PMA.
In comparison, negative mental attitudes comprising ignorance
and carelessness, caused in tragic accidents:
One death for every one hundred feet of height of the Empire
State Building!
One hundred and ten deaths in the construction of Hoover Dam!
One life for every one hundred and ten feet in the
construction of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge!
Eighty deaths in the construction of the Colorado River
One thousand two hundred and nineteen deaths in the
construction of the Panama Canal! (There were four thousand
seven hundred sixty-six additional fatalities during the
construction of this project from other causes.)
Ninety-seven deaths in the building of Grand Coulee Dam and
the Columbia River Basin Project!
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Of course, no one actually knows when tragedy will strike. But
it always is better to be prepared. You will be prepared if
you have a positive mental attitude. Aunt Kitty was.
When tragedy strikes! Aunt Kitty lost her only son when he was
nine years old. Like many good housewives and mothers, she had
no business training. But Aunt Kitty did have a strong
religious faith. She knew that in spite of her great loss, it
was her job to go on living and contributing her share to make
this world a better world to live in. But how could she
maintain physical and mental health so that she could go on?
Aunt Kitty decided that in order to ease her pain and fill the
great void in her life she would have to: keep very busy and
do whatever her abilities would permit to make other people
happy, since she could no longer do this for her son.
So she got a job as a waitress in a busy restaurant. Her hours
were long. Her work made it mandatory to talk with people and
to act cheerful. Faith in her religion and a sincere interest
in other people, combined with work and time, neutralized her
pain and saved her physical and mental health.
Actually, your health may be affected by many internal
influences. And some of these influences may be mental
figments of the imagination.
High school girl gets pains before examinations! Because of
the inter-relationship between the mind and body, the
subconscious mind may create apparent bodily disorders induced
by emotional disturbances to bring about a specific desired
result. A true life experience will prove the point.
A high school girl experienced severe backaches the morning of
any day on which she was to take a German or history
examination. She didn't like either subject. She wasn't
properly prepared. Her pains were so severe that she believed
she couldn't get up from bed. She was not pretending. She
A peculiar characteristic of the pain was that about 3:30 in
the afternoon, when school was over for the day, the pain
would subside. On the same evening when her boyfriend came to
call, the pain would marvelously disappear!
This girl, you probably are thinking, could do with a little
psychiatry. She could. She and many others like her have been
helped through religion and psychiatry. The two are not as far
apart as many may think. Why?
PAGE: 200
Religion and Psychiatry, Rules and regulations for physical
and mental health and a longer life were woven into religion
long before words similar to physiology, psychology, and
psychiatry became part of any language. This is especially
true regarding the application of techniques affecting the
subconscious mind.
It is easy to see why psychiatric clinics and counseling
services are becoming an integral part of church organizations
regardless of their religious denominations.
The minister to millions helps the sick! The Rev. Norman
Vincent Peale and Smiley Blanton, M.D., established The
American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry. It is a
nonprofit, nonsectarian clinic in New York City. Anyone with
an emotional problem is eligible for help regardless of race,
religion, or ability to pay. Today there is a full and part
time professional staff of thirty-five composed of
psychiatrists, ministers, psychologists, and psychiatric
social workers.
If you would like information on how to establish a counseling
service in your church, write the Foundation.
What lies ahead? Mental and physical health are two great
rewards of a positive mental attitude. It is true: a positive
mental attitude takes effort, patience, and practice to gain
and maintain. But a definite purpose, clean and clear
thinking, creative vision, courageous action, persistence and
true perception, all applied with enthusiasm and faith will go
far to help you achieve and maintain a positive mental
And what lies ahead as you approach your definite goals?
Happiness lies ahead.
If you are happy now, you will wish to maintain and increase
this wonderful happiness which you already have. If you are
not happy now, you will want to learn how you can be happy.
Let's turn to Chapter 18, entitled "How To Be Happy" to find
additional PMA success principles to speed us in our pursuit
of happiness.
Pilot No. 17
1. You can have perfect health. A positive mental attitude affects your health. It attracts good health to you. A negative mental attitude attracts ill health.
2. Thinking good thoughts, positive and cheerful thoughts, will improve the way you feel. What affects your mind also affects your body.
3. A positive mental attitude toward the ones you love may be the means of saving their lives. Remember the father who saved the life of his infant son by going into action with a positive mental attitude.
4. Learn to practice PMA instead of giving in to NMA as the engineer's wife did. Her NMA allowed death to claim her.
5. Develop within you a positive mental attitude so powerful that it seeps down from your conscious into your subconscious mind. If you do, you will find that in times of need and emergency, it will automatically flash back to your conscious mind. Even in the greatest emergency of life: death.
6. Make a study of the Bible and other inspirational books. They will both inspire and teach you how to motivate yourself to positive desirable action and thus help you achieve the goals you desire.
7. Learn to use the 17 success principles and to apply them to your life.
8. All the wealth in the world cannot, by itself, buy good health. But you can achieve good health by striving for it and observing simple rules of hygiene and good health habits. Remember, John D. Rockefeller had to retire at the age of 57 because of ill health, but through a positive mental attitude and wholesome living, he reached the ripe old age of 97.
9. PMA recognizes the importance of education in physical, mental, and social hygiene, and that ignorance of these subjects can mean sin, sickness, and death. Keep abreast of current developments affecting your mental, moral, and physical health.
10. Never abandon hope or there is always a cure for every ailment. Develop PMA and take the guesswork out of your health by seeking aid at the right time.
11. PMA repels accidents and tragedies by keeping the person with PMA alert to dangers at all times. Should tragedy strike, however, PMA can guide you in meeting reverses calmly and deliberately.
12. A sound mind and sound body are attainable if you will put PMA to work for you. Remember you can enjoy good health and live longer with PMA.