Chapter Twenty-One ~
Pilot No. 21
You are the most important living person.
"Stop and think about yourself: In all the history of the
world there was never anyone else exactly like you, and in all
the infinity of time to come, there will never be another."
You are the product of your: heredity, environment, physical
body, conscious and subconscious mind, experience, and
particular position and direction in time and space . . . and
something more, including powers known and unknown.
You have the power to affect, use, control or harmonize with
all of them. And you can direct your thoughts, control your
emotions and ordain your destiny.
For you are a mind with a body.
And your mind consists of dual, invisible gigantic powers: the
conscious and subconscious. One is a giant that never sleeps.
It is called the subconscious mind. The other is a giant which
when asleep is powerless. When awakened, his potential power
is unlimited. This giant is known as the conscious mind. When
the two work in harmony, they can affect, use, control or
harmonize with all known and unknown powers.
What wouldst thou have? "What wouldst thou have? I am ready to
obey thee as thy slave-I and the other slaves of the lamp,"
said the genie.
Awaken the sleeping giant within you! It is more powerful than
all the genii of Aladdin's lamp! The genii are fictional. Your
sleeping giant is real!
What wouldst thou have? Love? Good health? Success? Friends?
Money? A home? A car? Recognition? Peace of mind? Courage?
Happiness? Or, would you make your world a better world in
which to live? The sleeping giant within you has the power to
bring your wishes into reality.
PAGE: 235
What wouldst thou have? Name it and it's yours. Awaken the
sleeping giant within you! How?
Think. Think with a positive mental attitude.
Now the sleeping giant, like the genie, must be summoned with
magic. But you possess this magic. The magic is your talisman,
with the symbols PMA on one side and NMA on the other. The
characteristics of PMA are the plus characteristics symbolized
by such words as faith, hope, honesty, and love.
You are launched on a great journey. We have called the
resumes at the end of the chapters "pilots." That is because
you are going somewhere. You are not standing still. You are
on your way through rough and often unfamiliar waters. To
reach the end of your journey successfully, you will need many
of the skills of the navigator.
As the compass of a ship is affected by disturbing magnetic
influences, requiring the pilot to make certain allowances in
order to keep the vessel on its right course, so you must take
account of the powerful influences affecting you as you
navigate through Me.
A compass is corrected to give true readings regardless of
variation and deviation. The same applies to life where the
variations are environmental influences. And the deviations
are the negative attitudes within your own conscious and
subconscious mind. You must correct these deviations as they
occur in your plotting.
Ahead of you may be disappointments, adversities, and dangers.
These are the rocks and hidden shoals past which you must sail
on your course. And this you can do when your compass is
compensated for variation. For if you are aware of the coral
reefs and tides, you can capitalize on each. You can select
the environmental influence of the light of a lighthouse or
sound of a buoy to steer a course that will bring you towards
your destination without serious mishap.
Now when plotting a course, you must rely upon the accuracy of
your compass. Compensating the compass is not an exact
science. A necessary safeguard is unceasing watchfulness on
the navigator's part. It is possible, however, to correct a
compass very effectively.
Just as a magnetic needle is in direct line with the north and
south magnetic poles, so when your compass is compensated, you
will automatically react in line with your objective, your
highest ideal. And the highest ideal of man is the will of
This book will now go with you on your journey to success.
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude will bring you
success, wealth, physical, mental and spiritual health, and
happiness when —you react favorably to it. Remember what
Andrew Carnegie said:
"Anything in life worth having is worth working for" Awaken the sleeping giant! In the next chapter entitled "The Amazing Power of a Bibliography" you will discover the art of reading an inspirational book in a manner that will help you to awaken the sleeping giant within you.
PAGE: 236
No. 21
1. What wouldst thou have? Love? Good health? Success? Friends? Money? A home? A car? Recognition? Peace of mind? Courage? Happiness? Or would you make your world a better world in which to live?
2. Name it and it's yours.
3. Think. Think with a positive mental attitude,
4. Compensate your compass to avoid dangers and thus arrive safely at your chosen destination.
5. The highest ideal of man is the will of God.
6. Awaken the sleeping giant within you!