Chapter Twenty-Two ~
Pilot No. 22
This chapter is a
bibliography. And this bibliography has amazing potential
power. For within it may lie the hidden button which pushed
can be used to unleash the power within you—the untapped,
unused vast resources that you alone possess. And we hope it
will start a chain reaction that will help you in achieving
true success. For if you want to motivate yourself and others:
Say it with a book.
Say it with a book. In Success Through a Positive Mental
Attitude the authors have used a technique that has proved
exceedingly effective in their writings, lectures, and
counseling service. We recommend self-help books which
experience has proved cause a desirable and positive reaction
in the reader.
Now in the twentieth century, America has been particularly
fortunate in developing a group of authors who have the unique
talent to write in a manner that sows seeds of thought which
motivate those who are searching for self-improvement to find
it. The reader reacts with desirable action.
While some of the books we recommend are out of print, the
universal truths contained in them are just as true today as
the day they were written. And such books can be obtained from
used bookstores or rented from your library.
Again we urge you to read. Read everything you can find about
those who had successful careers in your own field. Also read
success stories about people in other kinds of work and find
the common denominator.
Share with others a part of what you possess that is good and
Now that is what Nate Lieberman does. For many years he has
been a manufacturer's representative. And he has had a
Magnificent Obsession. Thousands of inspirational books have
been shared by him. And it was Nate Lieberman who made Emerson
and Mr. Stone close friends with a gift of Emerson's Essays.
And likewise he introduced him to the authors of Suggestion
and Autosuggestion, The Law of Psychic Phenomena and Invention
and The Unconscious, not to mention many more.
Now this sharing of ideas and ideals is a marvelous thing you
give them away and still keep them for yourself, too.
Brownie Wise knows this. Brownie needed to support herself and
her son, who was ill. Her meager salary wasn't enough to pay
for her son's medical care. Therefore she obtained a part-time
sales job for Tupperware Home Parties, Inc., to augment her
She needed money. With it, her son could have the best medical
attention. They could move to a climate that would help
restore his health. Brownie Wise prayed for help. She found
She read an inspirational book, Think and Grow Rich. She read
it once and then read it again. In fact, Brownie read the book
six times. Then she recognized the principles she was looking
for and something happened. She made it happen! She saw how
she could apply these principles to her own situation and
these ideas were put into action. It wasn't long before her
earnings from Tupperware exceeded $18,000 a year and within a
few years more, her income was over $75,000 annually. In due
course she became vice-president and general manager of the
company. Brownie Wise enjoyed the distinction of being
recognized as one of the outstanding woman sales managers in
the United States. She has continued her successful career and
today is president of Viviane Woodard Cosmetics Corporation.
This outstanding business woman's success began with a book
and continued with a book. Much of her achievement is due to
the successful motivation of her representatives. She shared
what she had learned from reading Think and Grow Rich and
bought copies of the book for her sales people. Brownie urged
them to read it as many times as she had, and to apply the
principles to their own lives. Brownie Wise also shares other
inspirational books.
And the story of Lee S. Mytinger and William S. Casselberry,
Ph.D., is another example of the value of books in achievement
of success. These men help nature bring good health to men,
women, and children through the sale of Nutrilite, a food
supplement which contains vitamins and minerals. Their sales
gross many millions of dollars annually.
Mytinger and Casselberry read Think and Grow Rich. They
assimilated what they read and got into action. Part of their
success is due to their ability to motivate their distributors
with mental and spiritual vitamins. They do this with the same
book that inspired them. Each new employee receives an
inspirational lecture course, teaching him the fundamentals of
success. They distribute thousands of self-help books because
they know what amazing effects these books have on people's
productivity and success.
W. Clement Stone uses inspirational literature extensively in
his organization. His company buys thousands of books for
distribution in employees, stockholders, and representatives.
The success and growth of his companies are not accidental.
How to read a book. There is an art to reading a self-help
book. When you read, concentrate. Read as if the author were a
close personal friend and were writing to you and you alone.
Now you recall that Abraham Lincoln, when he read, took time
for reflection in order that he might relate and assimilate
the principles into his own experience. It would be wise to
follow his good example.
Also it is wise to know what you are looking for when you read
a self-help book. If you know what you are looking for you are
more apt to find it. For if you really want to relate and
assimilate into your own life the ideas that are contained
between the covers of an inspirational book, work at it. A
self-help book is not to be skimmed through the same way that
you might read a detective novel. Mortimer J. Adler in How to
Read a Book urges the reader to follow a definite pattern.
Here's an ideal one:
Step A. Read for general content. This is the first reading.
It should be a fast reading, to grasp the sweeping flow of
thought that the book contains. But take the time to underline
the important words and phrases. Write notes in the margins
and write down briefly the ideas that flash into your mind as
you read. Now this obviously may only be done with a book that
you own. But the notations and markings make your book more
valuable to you.
Step B. Read for particular emphasis. A second reading is for
the purpose of assimilating specific details. You should pay
particular attention to see that you understand and really
grasp, any new ideas the book presents.
Step C. Read for the future. This third reading is more of a
memory feat than it is a reading task. Literally memorize
passages that have particular meaning to you relate to
problems you are currently facing. Test new ideas; try them;
discard the useless and imprint the useful indelibly on your
habit patterns.
Step D. Read later to refresh your memory, and to rekindle
your inspiration. There is a famous story about the salesman
who is standing up in front of a sales manager saying: "Gimme
that old sales talk again, I'm getting LInda discouraged." All
of us may become discouraged. We should re-read the best of
our books at such times to rekindle the fires that got us
going in the first place.
Here then is a list of books. A few are instructional. The
rest are self-help books that experience has proved can
motivate the reader to desirable action. Each one of these
self-help books that you own contains hidden treasures you can
discover for yourself.
But before you go over the list and thus complete your first
reading of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, let us
once more remind you: share with others a part of what you
possess that is good and desirable. And awaken the sleeping
giant within you. Then this will not be the ending. It will be
the beginning of a new era in your life.
Make the ending what you choose.
The Bible
(a) Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the fleshly, to fulfill the lusts thereof. (Romans 13:13-14)
(b) As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)
(c) If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark 9:23)
(d) Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. (Mark 9:24)
(e) According to your faith be it unto you. (Matthew 9:29)
(f) Faith without works is dead. (James 9:20)
(g) What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24)
(h) If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) (i) Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock
and it shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7) (j) Naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (Matthew 25:31-35)
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(k) Go ye into all the world. (Mark 16:15) (1) For the good
that I would I do not: but the evil which I
would not, that I do. (Romans 7:19) (m) For what I would, that
I do not; but what I hate that I do.
(Romans 7:15) (n) Silver and gold have I none; but such as I
have I give thee.
(Acts 3:6)
(o) The love of money is the root of all evil. (I Timothy
6:10) (p) Thou shall not steal. (Exodus 20:15)
Books for Further Reading:
1. Adler, Mortimer J. How to Read a Book
published by Simon & Schuster
2. Alger, Horatio Robert Coverdale's Struggle
published by Hurst & Company
3. Baudoin, Charles Suggestion and Autosuggestion
published by The Macmillan Company
4. Beaty, John Y. Luther Burbank, Plant Magician
published by Julian Messner, Inc.
5. Bettger, Frank How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success
in Selling,
published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
6. Binstock, Louis The Power of Faith
published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
7. Brande, Dorothea Wake Up and Live
published by Simon & Schuster
8. Brazier, Mary A. B. The Electrical Activity of the Nervous
—A textbook for students,
published by Macmillan Company
9. Bristol, Claude M. The Magic of
published by Prentice-Hall
10. Bristol, Claude M. & TNT, the Power within You
Harold published by Prentice-Hall
11. Burbank & Hall Training of the Human Plant
published by The Century Company
12. Campbell, Walter S. Writing: Advice and Devices
published by Doubleday
13. Carnegie, Andrew Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
published by Houghton Mifflin Company
14. Carnegie, Dale How to Win Friends and Influence People
published by Simon & Schuster
15. Clarke, Edwin Leavitt The Art of Straight Thinking
published by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
16. Clason, George S. The Richest Man in Babylon
published by Hawthorn Books, Inc.
17. Collier, Robert Secret of the Ages
published by Robert Collier
18. Copi, Irving Introduction to Logic
published by The Macmillan Company
19. Coue, Emile Self-Mastery Through Conscious
published by American Library Service
20. Daldn&Dewey Cycles
published by Henry Holt & Company
21. Danforth, William H. I Dare You
published by the "I Dare You" Committee,
Checkerboard Square, St. Louis 2, Missouri
22. Dey, Frederic The Magic Story
Van Rensselaer published by
DeVorss & Company
23. Douglas, Lloyd C. Magnificent Obsession
published by Houghton Mifflin Company
24. Dumas, Alexander Le Question d'Argent
25. Durant, Will The Story of Philosophy
published by Simon & Schuster
26. Eddy, Mary Baker Science and Health,
With Key to the Scriptures
published by Charles H. Gabriel
27. Einstein, Albert Essays in Science
published by Philosophical Library
28. Elliot, Paul L. & Physics, A Modern Approach
Wilcox, William S.
published by The Macmillan Company
29. Franklin, Benjamin Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
30. Freud, Sigmund An Outline of Psychoanalysis
published by W. W. Norton & Company
31. Gordon, Arthur Norman Vincent Peale: Minister to Millions
published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
32. Hayakawa, S. I. Language in Thought & Action
published by Harcourt, Brace & Company
33. Hill, Napoleon The Law of Success
published by Ralston Society
Think and Grow Rich
published by Combined Registry Company
How to Raise Your Own Salary
published by Combined Registry Company
Science of Success Course
published by Combined Registry Company
34. Hoover, J. Edgar Masters of
published by Henry Holt & Company
35. Hudson, Thomson Jay The
Divine Pedigree of Man
published by A. C. McClurg & Company
The Law of Psychic Phenomena
published by A. C. McClurg & Company
36. Hunter, Edward Brainwashing
published by Farrar, Straus & Cudahy
37. James, William Principles of
published by Henry Holt & Company
38. Jones, Francis A. The Life
Story of Thomas A. Edison
published by Grosset and Dunlap
39. Jones, Jim If You Can Count
to Four
published by Whitehorn Publishing Company, Inc.
40. Kohe, Martin J. Your
Greatest Power
published by the Ralston Publishing Company
41. Marden, Orison Swett Pushing
to the Front
published by Success Company
42. Mills, Clarence, M.D. Climate Makes the Man
published by Harper and Brothers
43. Moutmasson, Invention and the Unconscious
published by Harcourt, Brace & Company
44. Moore, Robert E. and Turn on the Green Lights in
Your Life Schultz, Maxwell I.
published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
45. Osborn, Alex F. Applied Imagination
published by Charles Scribner's Sons
Your Creative Power
published by Charles Scribner's Sons
46. Overstreet, Harry and What We Must Know About
Communism Bonaro
published by W. W. Norton & Company
47. Packard, Vance The Hidden Persuaders
published by David McKay Company, Inc.
48. Peale, Norman Vincent The Power of Positive Thinking
published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
49. Rhine, Joseph B. New World of The Mind
published by William Sloan & Associates
The Reach of the Mind
published by William Sloan & Associates
50. Rhine, Joseph B. and Parapsychology
J. C. Pratt published by C. C. Thomas
51. Rickover, Rear Admiral Education and Freedom
H. G. published by E. P. Dutton & Company
52. Scheinfeld, Amram The New YOU b- HEREDITY
published by J. P. Lippincott
53. Sheen, Msgr. Fulton J. Life Is Worth Living
published by McGraw-Hill Co.
54. Smiles, Samuel Self-Help
published by Belford, Clarke & Company
55. Sweetland, Ben I Can
published by Cadillac Publishing Company
I Will
published by Prentice-Hall
56. Walker, Harold Blake Power to Manage Yourself
published by Harper and Brothers
57. Walker, Mary Alice and Venture of Faith
Walker, Harold Blake
published by Harper & Brothers
58. Winkler, John K. John D., A Portrait in Oils
published by Vanguard Press
59. Witty, Dr. Paul Andrew The Gifted Child
published by D. G. Heath & Company
Pilot No. 22
1. Like Brownie Wise, Mytinger and Casselberry, W. Clement Stone and many other managers of successful sales organizations, you can motivate yourself and others to desirable action with inspirational self-help books and CD's books and CD's that can be evaluated by actual results.
2. Brownie Wise found it necessary to read Think and Grow Rich six times before she recognized the principles that she could apply. Then something happened. She made it happen.
3. When you read a self-help book or listen to self-help CD:(a) Concentrate.
(b) Read as if the author were a close personal friend and were writing to you and you alone.
(c) Know what you are looking for.
(d) Get into action try the principles that are recommended.4. Evaluate a self-help book by what you do to make yourself a better person and your world a better world for you and others to live in, as a result of having read the book.
5. You are a better person and your world will be a better world in which to live because you have read Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. Isn't that true?