1. Be aware. Be alert to potential problems in your business. The serious problems are those which you don't even know exist. (You aren't even trying to solve them.) But also discipline yourself against too early a statement of the problem.

2. Obtain all the facts available. When you see or sense a problem, gather all the facts related to it. Be sure to separate fact from opinion. Make use

of past records of the individual concerned and applicable company policy.

3. Fill in these facts by listening to the opinions and feeling of the individual. Discreetly gather facts from others if necessary,

4. Define the problem. Fit the facts and opinions together. Make certain you understand its totality and its details.

5. Gather more facts. Now determine what additional facts are needed, and all which might have a bearing on possible solutions,

6. Decide what actions are possible, Don't hesitate at this state to consider "way-out" ideas for your solution. Don't permit habit or prejudice to knock-out possible alternatives,

7. Establish criteria. Your resources are usually limited, so not all solutions are available to you. Establish your criteria for time, money, effort, etc, to be applied in solving the problem. Also, consider the effect of each action on the individual, the group, and the company.

8.action* Analyze the solutions, in terms of criteria, mi select the best. Decide who is to take the action. Select the proper time and place. Explain to the person affected why the action was taken.

9. Act - now and follow through. Watch for changes in attitudes and relationships; be prepared to modify the action if necessary.