Ask yourself these questions to gauge your own practice of human relations. If you are not sure, observe your actions for a week, then answer.

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  Yes  No  Observe
1. Do I give clear instructions; then let my personnel use their own initiative?
2. Am I careful to compensate for my prejudices?
3. Do I openly encourage suggestions, even if they appear to criticize my own work?
4. Do I know the background of my personnel, and recognize that every one is different?
5. Do I refrain from "griping" about company problems?
6. Do I keep my personal problems to myself while on the job?
7. Do I correct mistakes of ay employees in private, and know how to do it properly?
8. Do I publicly commend my employees for good work?
9. Am I willing to discipline employees when necessary?
10. Am I willing to help my personnel toward promotion?