Summary-Traits of sales representatives
I. Research study Findings
A. Two basic traits:
I. Empathy - ability to feel the
way your prospect feels in order to sell a product or service.
1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation,
feelings, and motives.
2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.
Noun: A very close relationship between persons, especially one resulting in mutual
understanding or affection. sympathy.
2. Ego Drive-need to make the sale as a form of personal conquest.
1. The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.
2. In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately
controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
3. a. An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.
b. Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem.
Noun: A regarding of oneself with undue favor.. pride, vanity, egotism, conceit,
amour-propre egoism, narcissism, vainglory. A sense of one's own dignity or
worth. pride,
self-esteem, self-respect, self-regard. An individual's awareness of what constitutes
his or her essential nature and distinguishes him or her from all others self..
B. Proportions vary.
1. ED-possesses a great deal of empathy and
drive. This describes the most successful sales representatives.
2. Ed-has little drive and much empathy.
3. ed-has little empathy and much drive
4. ed-is without empathy or drive.
II. These traits in you
A. If you are not an "ED," traits can be brought
into balance.
B.Needs selling procedures can help improve empathy.
C. Your personal commitment to product and service can help
improve ego drive.
Summary-"Getting through" to prospects
I. Prospects are human; their reactions are prompted by human motives.
II. Motives and motivation
A. Motives cause people to take action.
B. You must define the problem before attempting to sell the solution.
C. You should try to see the problem from prospect's point of view
D. Appeal to prospect's most powerful motives.
Summary-General buying motives
I. Security motive
A. Types
I. Physical
2. Mental
B. Selling appeal-Point out happiness and peace of mind in having things that will give
II. Social approval motive
A. Types
I. Desire for ego enhancement
2. Desire for reassurance
3. Desire for affiliation with other people
B. Selling appeal
1. Tell them that people they know are using this service, if this is so.
2. Tell them how much insurance the average person in their position owns.
III- Love and affection motive
A. Types
1. Love of other people-spouse children.
2. Places and things-country, borne.
B. Selling appeal-Picture what insurance or lack of it would do for or to their loved
lV. Accumulate wealth motive
A. Types
I. Motive influenced by other motives
2. Accumulation of wealth for its own sake.
3. Selling appeal-Point out money values of the plan.
V "Feeling of importance" motive-Appeal to prospect's wish to
A. accomplish something worthwhile.
B. be recognized for achievements.
C. be useful to someone.
D. be held in high esteem.
VI. "Live up to what others expect" motive-Conforming to group demands
A. You can use testimonials
B. You can develop "nests" of related prospect groups.
VII. Prospecting-A people activity
A. Your prospect's own problems are of paramount importance.
B. Your sales talk must never be over the prospect's head.
C Consider that prospects' motivations are the positive drives that can stimulate them
to action, but that there is a strong tendency toward inaction.