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On the surface these people give every appearance of ideal prospects. They are friendly, agreeable, talkative and give you a nice reception. Look out! If you have ever spent 15 minutes in a delightful atmosphere of animated conversation and walked out the door with the eerie sensation of not knowing what happened to keep you from making the sale-you have already met the "Sweetheart." Don't let these people kill your sale with kindness. Get them right down to business.

· Avoid small talk at the outset of your interview. These people will take every opportunity to have a friendly chat about the most remote point to the total exclusion of your sales presentation. In a friendly manner you should get right into your sales presentation.

___________ it is really great talking with you, but I realize you are very busy, so let me take a moment to show you the kind of work I do...

· Enthusiasm about the type of work you do will not only emphasize your ability to solve their problems, but will soften the absolute necessity of keeping them on the track.

· They want to participate in the discussion and want you to like them and be impressed. The sales procedures in Professional Sales Development allow them to do this in a constructive manner.

· They want to be loved, so "love" them. Compliment them on the great job they have done so far, but bring them right back to any remaining problems.

you've really done a fine lob in providing for your family. It's really impressive! On the other hand, I'm concerned about the lack of (cash, mortgage coverage, education fund, etc.). How do feel about that?
