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"Plodders" pride themselves on a careful analytical approach to any decision. Don't mistake their insistence on clarification of details as an indication of a lack of intelligence. Don't assume that their slow and groping manner indicates a lack of interest. They may even cause a few gray hairs by insisting on checking your figures with their slide rules. They are quick to spot a competent professional and will not tolerate sloppy or inaccurate work.

· Be straightforward and low-key and give them all the facts about your product and services. Give them the bad points as well as the good. They will completely distrust you if they find a negative point that you have not pointed out.

· You must take the time required for a detailed discussion of your product and services with these people. Clearly uncover their needs and solve them with the most appropriate recommendation. The Professional Sales Development sales procedures are ideal for this type of prospect.

____________ have I got all the information accurately recorded here? . . . because . . the value of a personalized recommendation depends upon accurate and complete information.

· Go slowly and make sure they completely understand each section of your presentation. Explain to them how you actually arrived at the best Solution to their needs.

· Encourage them to action by questioning and reinforce their answers with praise.

That's right, ______. Each year you delay purchasing the insurance required to meet your obligations5 the premium increases. Furthermore, you may die tomorrow or you may not be insurable tomorrow.
