
I. Persuasion depends on communication.

II.         Why communication often breaks down:

A         Things are not always "black" or "white", they may be "gray."

B.        Words may not mean the same to the prospect as they do to you

C.        You may not understand everything about the prospect's situation.

D.        The prospect may not be completely open-minded.

III.        The psychology of communication

A.        Prospects' attention is more likely to be gained and held
1. when they participate.

2. when the subject relates to their needs, wants, and values so they can see a possible benefit from

3.         when the subject relates in any way to their ego or feeling of self-importance.

B.        Appeal mainly to emotions.

C.        Appeal also to logic-demonstrate logic of your recommendations.

D.        Establish a feeling of warmth between you and the prospect.

E.        Be believable.                     TOP

1.         What you say and do must be believable

  1. You may have to persuade prospects to change their beliefs.

IV.       Verbal communication

A         Use words that emphasize specifics rather than abstract generalities.

B.        Use sales presentation in Professional Sales Development 'as is."

C Take care in phrasing your statements.

V.        Non-verbal communication

A.        Forms

1.         Physical appearance

2.         Posture

3.         Facial expressions

4.         Bodily movements

B.        How to use it

1.         Create a desirable impression through your appearance and actions.

2. Observe your prospect in order to pick up true reactions to your presentation.

VI. Listing

  1. Get prospect's attention by starting the benefits.
  2. Dress conservatively and on good taste.
  3. Use organized selling procedures on a sound psychological basis.
  4. Talk about specifics and benefits.
  5. Use selling procedures in Professional Sales Development.

They are so will-organized. Prospect can devote full attention to what you are saying.

  1. Speak up and speak clearly.
  2. Don't talk insurance jargon
  3. Avoid slang and negative phrases.
  4. Watch for non-verbal communication.


What can I do to improve?                      TOP