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These people are generally extremely busy, creative and task oriented. They are driven from one achievement to another by their own high need for accomplishment. They have the ability to grasp ideas quickly and, through almost instantaneous insight, arrive at solutions to any problems confronting them. Abilities like these are desirable assets for any prospect and are generally present in most very successful people. These very enviable attributes on the other hand can cause sales representatives appreciable discomfort and distraction if they are unable to meet and cope with "Superpeople's" unusual personality traits.

If you have ever encountered a prospect who tends to be straightforward to the point of abruptness, who after a brief greeting goes right back to what he was doing when you entered his office or home, who is restless and exudes nervous energy and whose attention seems to wander during your presentation, you have met "Superperson."

· Be direct, positive and decisive. Get right down to business.

___________ I can see you are busy, so let me ... The use of visual aids such as the You and Your Family Work Sheet, the Presentation Book pages, and even skilled use of your pen as a pointer, can be effective in focusing attention on your presentation. One effective device for this seemingly inattentive type is silence. Stop talking altogether or ask a question concerning their specific situation which requires more than a yes or no answer.

· Be careful not to talk down to them or to belabor the obvious. They will become even more nervous, irritable or inattentive unless you allow them to participate in the Fact-Finding and Solution portions of your sales interview. The questioning technique in the Professional Sales Development sales procedures will ~nsure their active participation.

· Use colorful or motivational anecdotes to emphasize any points such as personal experience to back up the visual stimulation of the Presentation Book pages.

So as you see , most plans fail because they lack discipline! The majority of people I interview have substantial savings built up on a regular basis only in their life insurance policies.

· Stress the individuality of your service. "Superpeople" do not like to receive the same treatment as everyone else. This individualizing of your service can be accomplished in the Approach, Fact-Find and Solution areas of the sale.

I know Mr. Underwriter very well. He is a very nice fellow. On the other hand, our Life Insurance Needs Analysis service is an exclusive with The Life Insurance Company.


Now, in order to do this kind of job for you, I need to ask you some questions. Anything you tell me will be hald in strictest confidence.


As you can see here .. . the value of a personalized recommendation depends upon accurate and complete information.

The last statement appears on the Life Insurance Needs Analysis Work Sheet and also fills the need that "Superpeople" have to feel that they have all the information necessary to make the right decision.

· As with "Tough Guys," you may have to ask them to defer any decision until they have seen the entire service applied to their own individual family needs. Although this type is generally self-confident, they like to know that they are making a decision which other "Superpeople" have made. You can appeal to this need for approval through the use of letters or testimonials in the Presentation Book and by Referred Lead orosoecti no.
