Maximizing your potential
"The average person has prodigious reserves of energy which can be used at need.
Repeatedly throughout our lives, all of us have had the pleasant shock of discovering that
if we are really vitally interested in something or really want to do something, we are
able to develop tremendous energy and enthusiasm. This rarely experienced energetic and
invigorating level of functioning gives you an indication of your potential.''
Otto, Herbert A., Guide to Developing Your Potential (New York: Charres
Scribner's Sons, 1967), pp 12-13.
As a successful sales representative, you expect to improve and achieve higher goals in
the future. The two major purposes of this segment are:
To make sure you are aware of certain common obstacles
which often prevent sales representatives from utilizing their potential ability to the
Do any of us really use all of our ability? William James, the great psychologist
estimated that the average person use's only 10 percent of his potential ability. This
means that 90 percent of our ability or potential is never used. Does this
sound far-fetched? When you stop and think about it, isn't it amazing how much someone can
do in a pinch when forced to call on more resources than normal? Think hack to some
emergency situation in which you accomplished so much that you literally surprised
Welcome to the club!
Even the most casual observation shows us that everyone has some things which they are
overly concerned about. Some people are afraid of cats. Others are afraid of high places,
open spaces, etc. In other words, in the process of growing up, all of us have acquired
certain individual fears. It is not unusual then that sales representatives have some of
these problems.
Often it isn't necessary to overcome an obstacle completely. All that may be required
is that the degree to which the obstacle interferes with your effectiveness be reduced.
For example, even experienced actors and public speakers typically experience a certain
amount of nervous tension just prior to starting to speak or starting to act. However,
once the initial apprehension has passed and they have gotten "into the swing of
things," the nervousness seems to vanish or at least to be reduced to such an extent
that the individual and the audience no longer notice it.
A certain amount of alertness or nervous tension is desirable in order to do a good job
at almost anything. The persons who are not concerned about what they are doing may wind
up doing a very poor lob. Consequently, the fact that you're somewhat reluctant to do
something, or worried about the outcome, doesn't mean that you won't do a good job.
The inclusion of a specific obstacle or difficulty in this section does not necessarily
mean that it applies to you. No two sales representatives are alike or have exactly the
same personality and, consequently, things which represent problems to some people may not
represent problems to you. However, the five major obstacles which are discussed in this
section appear to be those which are most frequently experienced by sales representatives.
The degree of difficulty which a given sales representative has with any one of these five
areas may vary greatly.
It's very helpful to remember that you are not alone in having these personal
obstacles. Every sales representative, to some extent, has certain emotional or
psychological obstacles. It is simply inherent in the nature of selling an intangible
product such as life insurance.
A practical approach
There are two general ~ays to overcome personal obstacles to success:
Borrow ideas from others. The person who wishes to be
highly successful attempts to borrow ideas from a wide variety of sources.
By using the procedures and the mechanical devices which have been incorporated into
Professional Sales Development, you can go far toward removing almost any type of
personality obstacle. The techniques and procedures which are presented in the course are transterable.
They have been used by sales representatives who had problems similar to ones which
you may face. By making use of what they have learned, you can reach your own objectives.
There is no point in inventing the wheel all over again.' Some sales representatives
fail to achieve maximum success because they feel there is something "wrong" in
using the ideas
of others. This simply isn!t realistic. The whole purpose of all education is to give
you the benefit of what other people have learned in the past.
All of us like to think of ourselves as unique individuals, and each of us is unique in
many ways. However, all sales representatives face the same basic problems to a
considerable extent. The problem of obtaining the names of qualified prospects, of
persuading prospects to take action now, of meeting objections successfully, of
controlling their own time, etc. are common to all.
It has been said that a wise man profits from his own mistakes, but that the wisest man
is he who profits from the mistakes of others In this section we are taking this
philosophy one step further. We will attempt to point out mistakes or obstacles which have
occurred in others in the hope that you can recognize these potential obstacles and
take personal corrective action whenever you notice these obstacles developing in your own
Examples are used where sales representatives have faced up to personal obstacles and
overcome them In some examples, the sales representatives have had more experience than
you. These vignettes are used to indicate that obstacles may occur throughout a career and
that they can be overcome as long as they are clearly recognized and practical
remedies are applied.
After all, as a newly appointed sales representative, it's Unrealistic to expect to be
able to solve air of the problems you'll encounter on your own. Don't hesitate to take
advantage of the advice of your Sales Manager and the techniques and devices in
Professional Sales Development.
The best way to overcome obstacles is too simply adopt, or adapt, techniques which have
been successfully used by others.
Mechanical solutions to emotional problems
White the obstacles we will be discussing are primarily emotional or psychological in
nature you will find that throughout this material we suggest that these types of problems
may be overcome by employing the mechanical devices and procedures in Professional Sales
We will be discussing obstacles which are emotional or psychological in nature. The
suggested solution, however: is often a mechanical or procedural one. Why? Because
professional Sales Development has been carefully developed in such a way that the methods
presented are fully transferable, with perhaps a few minor modifications for any sales
In order to have the-maximum degree of confidence in the various mechanical devices,
tools, procedures, sales talks, answers to oblections, etc., it is important for you to
practice. The importance of knowLng what you're going to say to prospects in advance
simply can't be overestimated. The more familiar and comfortable you are in using the
various procedures, the more effectively you can use them. The importance of over-learning
in this connection cannot be over-emphasized. It isn't enough merely to learn something-if
emotional factors such as fear are present, the person should learn something and keep
learning it even after he has learned it perfectly. This is known as over-learning, and it
is especially valuable because it makes it possible for the sales representative to be
interrupted during a sales presentation and then return to the track without difficulty.
Perhaps the best way to feel more competent is to practice doing something the right
way over and over again. When we mention practice, we assume that the person is practicing
the right thing in the right way. (Practice makes perfect only that which is practiced.)
consequently, you should be certain that what you are practicing will cad to successful
result for you.
It's difficult for any of us to feel confident in a brand new situation in which we
have had no previous experience. However: a sales representative can avoid this by
practicing in a "safe environment," such as at the office or at home or by
role-playing with other sales representatives or his Sales Manager. You can practice what
you are going to say and do in advance, over and over again, in the correct manner before
you actually get out in front of prospects.
Emotional and psychological obstacles are extremely complex subjects. Certainly this
module cannot hope to cover all the subtleties of the human phenomenon. Happily, however,
you can greatly overcome the development of these inherent forms of inadequacies by
ensuring that you employ proven methods and organized procedures which have helped others
to minimize these problems and achieve success. Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools
he's useless