· Questioning techniques, like those used
in Professional Sales Development, serve to break their silence and draw them out through
participation in the plan design.
· Praise their ability to think things
through carefully. Reassure them and encourage them.
That's a very interesting observation ___________! You're absolutely
right and I think you will see how we cover this in the next step.
· Avoid arguments at all cost. If they
work up the courage to challenge you on a point, suggest that perhaps the information is
in error not the prospect. Use third party statements.
You know , you may have a point, but you might be interested in knowing that the
American Institute of Banking tells us that the average person opens and closes seven bank
accounts in a lifetime. So you see...
· Use visuals such as your Presentation Book and Life
Insurance Needs Analysis Work Sheet to keep them involved in the presentation. You
also need facts to bolster your claims. Letters or testimonials from satisfied clients go
far toward reassuring them.
· Treat them gently and be patient. Allow time for them to
digest the presentation of your product and services and come to their own decisions.
Emphasize the benefits of your service and Solution and what these can accomplish for the